
“Campus Programming and”经常缩写成CPLD,以便快捷书写、使用。



Campus Programming and具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:CPLD
  2. 英语全称: Campus Programming and
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:校园规划和
  7. 中文拼音:xiào yuán guī huà hé
  8. 常用领域:计算机
  9. 相关:软件


  1. In these years, the tendency and tasks of campus programming seem as unending, and more and more university left their primary environment to a new campus, aiming to make their grand prospect;
  2. 近年来,高校校园规划任务一直是无有穷尽,越来越多的高校离开了原来的环境异地重建,立志要大展宏图;
  3. Concept and related technique that this text is with the Dalian electric power school campus network programming with design to background, and commence from the campus network, detailed treatise the programming of the campus network is with whole process that design.
  4. 本文以大连电力学校校园网规划和设计为背景,从校园网的概念及相关计算机网络技术入手,比较详细地论述了电力学校校园网设计与实现的整个过程。
  5. The fundamental construction of the campus should be based on the belief of programming first and fully embody the garden features humane spirit.
  6. 高校校园基本建设要确立规划第一的观念,要充分体现园林特色和人文精神。
  7. Temporal Decoding of Campus Programming & Design Note of Baoji Institute of Profession and Technology
  8. 大学规划即时解读&宝鸡职业技术学院设计随笔
  9. To strength the culture construction on university campus, we must intensify our programming thought based on current culture and project the ideas of cultivating talents with culture, making a comprehensive planning and coordinated development. Only in this way can we create advanced culture of socialism.
  10. 要加强高校校园文化建设,必须立足时代文化的制高点,强化规划意识,突出文化育人、以人为本、全面规划、协调发展的理念,才能肩负起创造社会主义先进文化的历史责任。


英文缩写词 CPLD 的含义,不止“Campus Programming and”一个。




  1. Campus Programming and Leadership Development 缩写成 “CPLD”. 中文意思是:校园规划与领导力发展


  1. Continuous Professional Learning and Development 缩写成 “CPLD”. 中文意思是:持续的专业学习和发展
  2. Centre for Professional Learning and Development 缩写成 “CPLD”. 中文意思是:专业学习和发展中心


  1. Complex Programmable Logic Device 缩写成 “CPLD”. 中文意思是:复杂可编程逻辑器件
  2. Constant Pressure Loss Device 缩写成 “CPLD”. 中文意思是:恒压损失装置

