
“Quantum Information and Computation”经常缩写成QIC,以便快捷书写、使用。



Quantum Information and Computation : 量子信息与计算

Quantum Information and Computation具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:QIC
  2. 英语全称: Quantum Information and Computation
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:量子信息与计算
  7. 中文拼音:liàng zǐ xìn xī yǔ jì suàn
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:未分类的


  1. Condensed Matter and Optics; Quantum Information and Computation(QIC); Quantum Mechanics.
  2. 凝聚态物质与光学;量子信息与量子计算;量子力学。
  3. In the field of quantum information and computation science entanglement has been recognized as a key resource and ingredient. As a result, it is quite natural and important to discover the mathematical structures underlying its theoretical description.
  4. 在量子信息和量子计算领域,纠缠被认为是最重要的资源和必不可少的组成部分,因而研究描述纠缠理论的数学基础显得十分自然和重要。
  5. Quantum information and computation is a new computation model based on principle of coherent superposition and quantum entanglement, which can solve certain problems that are hard for conventional classical computer and is of great importance.
  6. 量子计算是基于量子力学叠加性原理的一类新型的计算模型,它能够解决一些经典计算机无法有效计算的算法问题,具有重大的现实意义。
  7. The full significance of information as a basic concept in physics is now being discovered. The theory of quantum information and computation puts this significance on a firm footing, and has led to some profound and exciting new insights into the natural world.
  8. 信息作为物理中一个基本概念的重要意义正在被发掘,量子信息和计算的理论把这种探索置于坚实的基础之上,并引出一些关于自然世界深刻的思考,推动产生出令人激动的自然新图景。
  9. There were a series of breakthroughs in quantum information and computation, which make these two subjects become front-line of science all over the world.
  10. 人们在量子信息和量子计算方面取得了一系列的突破,使得该学科成为当前国际前沿热点。


英文缩写词 QIC 的含义,不止“Quantum Information and Computation”一个。




  1. Qualified Independent Contractor 缩写成 “QIC”. 中文意思是:合格独立承包商
  2. Quarter Inch Committee 缩写成 “QIC”. 中文意思是:四分之一英寸委员会
  3. Qatar Insurance Company 缩写成 “QIC”. 中文意思是:卡塔尔保险公司
  4. Quality Ingredients Corporation 缩写成 “QIC”. 中文意思是:优质原料公司


  1. Quality Improvement Council 缩写成 “QIC”. 中文意思是:质量改进委员会


  1. Quaker Information Center 缩写成 “QIC”. 中文意思是:贵格会会员信息中心


  1. Quality in Care 缩写成 “QIC”. 中文意思是:护理质量
  2. Quality Interconnect Cabling 缩写成 “QIC”. 中文意思是:质量互连布线


  1. Quarter Inch Cartridge Backup set ( Microsoft Backup) 缩写成 “QIC”. 中文意思是:四分之一英寸盒式磁带备份集(Microsoft备份)
  2. Quarter Inch Cartridge 缩写成 “QIC”. 中文意思是:四分之一英寸墨盒
  3. Quarter Inch Cassette 缩写成 “QIC”. 中文意思是:四分之一英寸磁带盒
  4. Quarter-Inch Cartridge 缩写成 “QIC”. 中文意思是:四分之一英寸墨盒

