“The Yellow Brick Road”经常缩写成TYBR,以便快捷书写、使用。
The Yellow Brick Road具体释义
- 英文缩写:TYBR
- 英语全称: The Yellow Brick Road
- 英语发音:
- 美式英语发音:
- 英式英语发音:
- 中文意思:黄砖路
- 中文拼音:huáng zhuān lù
- 常用领域:综合
- 相关:未分类的
- To less fortunate students, the information highway is about as real as the yellow brick road to oz.
- 对于不大幸运的学生来说,信息公路宛如通往神话中奥兹国的那条黄砖路(TYBR)一样虚无缥缈。
- Yet, if you're serious about continuing your test automation, then you probably need to start trudging down the yellow brick road until you come to the Emerald City of Automation Engineering.
- 还有,如果您真的对继续您的测试自动化很重视的话,那么您很可能需要在铺着黄色砖的道路上艰难地行走,直到来到自动化工程的绿宝石之城。
- Being social not only makes life more pleasant, but it also can improve your work profile, says Myra White, PhD, author of Follow the Yellow Brick Road.
- 社交不只使生活变得更快乐,还能提高你的工作质量,《黄色的道路》作者和哲学博士玛雅-怀特说。
- Follow the yellow brick road.
- 沿着黄砖路(TYBR)?
- The good news for me is I have not only found the road to happiness, I walk along its yellow brick road on a daily basis.
- 好消息对我来说,我不仅找到了幸福的道路,我走的黄砖路(TYBR)每天都在发生。
英文缩写词 TYBR 的含义,不止“The Yellow Brick Road”一个。
- Tyburn Railroad Company 缩写成 “TYBR”. 中文意思是:泰本铁路公司
- Texas Youth Bull Riders 缩写成 “TYBR”. 中文意思是:德克萨斯州青年公牛骑手