
“Manager of the Year”经常缩写成MOY,以便快捷书写、使用。



Manager of the Year : 年度最佳经理

Manager of the Year具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:MOY
  2. 英语全称: Manager of the Year
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:年度最佳经理
  7. 中文拼音:nián dù zuì jiā jīng lǐ
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:未分类的


  1. Roy Hodgson received an overwhelming number of votes from the members and has won the LMA Manager of the Year(MOY) Award sponsored by Barclays by the most significant margin in the history of the award.
  2. 霍奇森得到了压倒多数的选票,也赢得了LMA年度经理大奖,这也是该奖项创立以来的最大获奖优势。
  3. If you had devoted a lot of time and energy to those software last year, you should be a manager of the Dept this year.
  4. 去年你要是下功夫研究一下那些软件,今年应该当上部门经理了吧!
  5. If I keep working hard, I should get promoted to assistant manager by the end of the year.
  6. 假如我一直卖力工作,我到年底时应该能升副理。
  7. Her husband, torvald, had just been made manager of a bank and after the new year their money troubles would be over.
  8. 她丈夫托伐刚刚被任命为一家银行的经理,这样新年一过,他们就不会再愁没有钱花了。
  9. To the general manager's annoyance, none of the marketing goals this year has been reached.
  10. 使总经理恼火的是,今年的市场营销目标一个也没实现。


英文缩写词 MOY 的含义,不止“Manager of the Year”一个。




  1. Millennium Minerals Ltd 缩写成 “MOY”. 中文意思是:千禧矿业有限公司


  1. Monterrey, Colombia 缩写成 “MOY”. 中文意思是:哥伦比亚蒙特雷


  1. Museum Of Yachting 缩写成 “MOY”. 中文意思是:帆船博物馆
  2. Man Of the Year 缩写成 “MOY”. 中文意思是:年度风云人物
  3. More Oldies of Yesteryear 缩写成 “MOY”. 中文意思是:比以前更老
  4. Mediterranean Office for Youth 缩写成 “MOY”. 中文意思是:地中海青年办公室


  1. Month Of Year 缩写成 “MOY”. 中文意思是:一年中的月份
  2. Models of Yesteryear 缩写成 “MOY”. 中文意思是:古董模型

