“Zinc Tin Oxide”经常缩写成ZTO,以便快捷书写、使用。
Zinc Tin Oxide具体释义
- 英文缩写:ZTO
- 英语全称: Zinc Tin Oxide
- 英语发音:
- 美式英语发音:
- 英式英语发音:
- 中文意思:氧化锌锡
- 中文拼音:yǎng huà xīn xī
- 常用领域:综合
- 相关:未分类的
- The sensitivity, selectivity and working temperature of zinc tin complex oxide ( ZnSnO_3 ) ethanol sensor have been researched by doping various kinds of additives.
- 本文通过对ZnSnO3传感器进行各种掺杂来提高其灵敏度、选择性和工作温度。
- The relative position between surface state and conduction band on surface of zinc tin complex oxide ( ZnSnO_ ( 3 )) gas sensitive material has been investigated by utilizing oxidation redox couple, FeCl_ ( 2 ) / FeCl_ ( 3 ), which have high surface state.
- 从实验出发,利用具有高表面态的FeCl2/FeCl3氧化还原对测定了ZnSnO3气敏材料的表面态与表面处导带底的相对位置。
- Using this expression to calculate the optimum doping contents of silica and alumina and zinc oxide and tin oxide and barium-titanate.
- 应用此表达式定量计算了二氧化硅、三氧化二铝、氧化锌、二氧化锡、钛酸钡等部分电子陶瓷材料的最佳掺杂含量。
- AZO ( aluminums zinc oxide films ) which have many characteristics such as high ratio of performance to price and innoxious are the replacer of ITO ( indium tin oxide films ).
- 掺铝的氧化锌薄膜(AZO)具有性价比高、无污染等特点,是掺锡氧化铟(ITO)的最佳替代产品。
英文缩写词 ZTO 的含义,不止“Zinc Tin Oxide”一个。
- Zone Transportation Officer 缩写成 “ZTO”. 中文意思是:区域运输官员
- Zakład Teorii Obwodów 缩写成 “ZTO”. 中文意思是:电路理论系