
“Language of learning and teaching”经常缩写成LOLT,以便快捷书写、使用。



Language of learning and teaching : 学习和教学语言

Language of learning and teaching具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:LOLT
  2. 英语全称: Language of learning and teaching
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:学习和教学语言
  7. 中文拼音:xué xí hé jiào xué yǔ yán
  8. 常用领域:学术科学
  9. 相关:语言和文学


  1. Implicit and explicit learning are rightly dealt with will help to improve language competence, efficiency of learning and teaching and enhance the psychological basis for the teaching of reading activities.
  2. 正确处理内隐,外显学习有助于提高学生的语言能力,教师的教学效果。
  3. At this stage, you are both language learners and language teachers exploring the process of effective learning and effective teaching.
  4. 学习者是在参与活动与完成任务的过程中,通过交际性和有目的的交互活动掌握语言的。
  5. Therefore, the correlational research on rote learning ability and foreign language aptitude is of significance to the field of foreign language learning and teaching.
  6. 因此本文所作的关于机械识记能力与语言学能倾向的相关性研究在外语学习与教学领域中有一定的现实意义。
  7. On the practical level, the thesis would help language workers grab the essence of synaesthetic metaphors and improve their language learning and teaching and, finally, improve their language proficiency. It will make cross-cultural communication more effective.
  8. 在实践层面,本文将帮助语言工作者掌握通感隐喻的实质,提升语言学习或教学,提高语言能力,使跨文化交际更加有效。
  9. It mainly includes the major findings of the present study, the author's general consideration of CA, EA and language transfer studies, and the implications of the study for English writing learning and teaching in the Chinese context.
  10. 内容包括本研究的主要发现,作者对对比分析、错误分析及跨语言影响的思考和本研究对汉语环境下的英语写作教学与学习的启示。


英文缩写词 LOLT 的含义,不止“Language of learning and teaching”一个。




  1. Laugh Out Loud Together 缩写成 “LOLT”. 中文意思是:一起大声笑


  1. Seitenstetten, S-Austria 缩写成 “LOLT”. 中文意思是:奥地利南部塞滕施泰滕


  1. Light of life Trust 缩写成 “LOLT”. 中文意思是:生命之光信任
  2. Lowcountry Open Land Trust 缩写成 “LOLT”. 中文意思是:低地开放土地信托

