“Health Promoting Hospital”经常缩写成HPH,以便快捷书写、使用。
Health Promoting Hospital具体释义
- 英文缩写:HPH
- 英语全称: Health Promoting Hospital
- 英语发音:
- 美式英语发音:
- 英式英语发音:
- 中文意思:健康促进医院
- 中文拼音:jiàn kāng cù jìn yī yuàn
- 常用领域:医学
- 相关:医院
- The paper gives an account of the concept, basic theories, development history, and latest progress both at home and abroad of the health promoting hospital so as to give an impetus to health education and health promotion in China.
- 作者介绍了健康促进医院(HPH)的概念、基本理论、发展历程及国内外最新进展状况等,以促进我国的健康教育与健康促进工作。
- Health promoting hospital : trend of hospital development in 21st century
- 健康促进医院(HPH)&21世纪医院建设的发展方向
- In recent years, many countries in the world have adopted the advanced service ideas of the health promoting hospital and conducted active research on various specific subjects.
- 近年来,世界各国纷纷引进健康促进医院(HPH)的先进服务理念,并积极开展各种专项课题的研究。
- On Establishment of Health - promoting Hospital
- 创建健康促进医院(HPH)的探索
- Based on the key departments of our hospital and the base of health manpower development and scientific innovation, forming the characteristic and superiority in scientific innovation and promoting the wholly-development in our hospital;
- 依托重点学科为科技创新和人才培养的基地,形成科技创新的优势和特色,带动医院学科建设全面发展;
英文缩写词 HPH 的含义,不止“Health Promoting Hospital”一个。
- Health Promoting Hospitals 缩写成 “HPH”. 中文意思是:健康促进医院
- Hawaii Pacific Health 缩写成 “HPH”. 中文意思是:夏威夷太平洋健康
- Highland Park Hospital 缩写成 “HPH”. 中文意思是:高地公园医院
- Health Prosperity and Happiness 缩写成 “HPH”. 中文意思是:健康繁荣幸福
- High Pressure Hose 缩写成 “HPH”. 中文意思是:高压软管
- Hak Pengusaha Hutan 缩写成 “HPH”. 中文意思是:哈克彭古萨胡坦
- Haiphong, Vietnam 缩写成 “HPH”. 中文意思是:越南海防
- Hutchison Port Holdings 缩写成 “HPH”. 中文意思是:和记港口控股
- Human Powered Helicopter 缩写成 “HPH”. 中文意思是:人力直升机
- Hands per Hour 缩写成 “HPH”. 中文意思是:手/小时