“ORANGE – Less”经常缩写成ORANGELESS,以便快捷书写、使用。



ORANGE – Less : 橙-少

ORANGE – Less具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:ORANGELESS
  2. 英语全称: ORANGE – Less
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:橙-少
  7. 中文拼音:chéng shǎo
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:未分类的


  1. The experimental results suggested that orange juice ( use level less than 20 % ) could increase wine aroma and improve wine taste and perfect wine body, and the aroma of fruit wine came from raw materials and fermentation process.
  2. 实验结果表明,利用果汁混合发酵,柑橘汁的量小于20%时,能增加原酒的果香味和风味,使酒体更加饱满;果酒的香气来源于原料中的香气物质和发酵过程中产生的香气;
  3. After downing a packed sandwich, cookies and an orange, you 'd be back in the lift line in 30 minutes or less.
  4. 一包三明治、几片饼干和一个桔子下肚后,你还要排队等大约30分钟乘滑车。
  5. Frozen concentrated orange juice is the dominant type of orange juice still. It is easy to keep and transport. But it has a higher processing cost and less nutrition and flavor. It is not convenient to use also.
  6. 目前冷冻浓缩橙汁仍是橙汁产品的主要形式,具有易保存、易贮运的优点,但其加工成本较高,风味和营养损失较多,消费不方便。
  7. Like her fellow Orange Revolutionaries, she thinks language is an important marker of national identity – something you can't take for granted in a state that has been around for less than two decades and has declared independence six times in the past 90 years.
  8. 与橙色革命中的同仁一样,季莫申科认为语言是国家认同的重要标志&在一个成立不到20年、过去90年里6次宣布独立的国家,你无法将国家认同视为理所当然的东西。

