
“Equilibrium Real Exchange Real”经常缩写成ERER,以便快捷书写、使用。



Equilibrium Real Exchange Real : 平衡实交换实

Equilibrium Real Exchange Real具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:ERER
  2. 英语全称: Equilibrium Real Exchange Real
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:平衡实交换实
  7. 中文拼音:píng héng shí jiāo huàn shí
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:未分类的


  1. Equilibrium Real Exchange Rate is the real exchange rate which fulfilling the macro internal and external equilibrium. It is the main objective basis which could tell us whether the exchange rate is misaligned or not, and whether the policies of exchange rate need to be adjusted.
  2. 所谓均衡汇率,是指能够同时满足宏观经济的内部和外部均衡的实际汇率水平,它是判断实际汇率是否失调以及汇率政策是否需要调整的主要客观依据。
  3. Estimating RMB Equilibrium Real Exchange Rate and Measuring Real Exchange Rate Misalignment
  4. 人民币均衡实际汇率的估计与实际汇率错位的测算
  5. The equilibrium real exchange rate of RMB had a structural change in 1994. Second, there are uncertainties of equilibrium real exchange rate of RMB and the measurement of real exchange rate misalignment of RMB.
  6. 人民币均衡实际汇率和人民币实际汇率错位的测度存在一定的不确定性。
  7. From the model of RMB structural change equilibrium real exchange rate model, the economic variables related to equilibrium real exchange rate of RMB are terms of trade, degree of openness, and government expenditure.
  8. 从人民币结构变化均衡实际汇率模型看,人民币均衡实际汇率的基本面经济变量是贸易条件、对外开放度、政府支出,人民币均衡实际汇率在1994年存在结构变化。
  9. Equilibrium Exchange rate is one of the core problems in exchange rate theories. In fact, the real exchange rate often departures with the equilibrium exchange rate, which leads to exchange rate misalignment. The long-term misalignment has a serious impact on the real economy.
  10. 均衡汇率问题是汇率理论的核心问题之一,由于现实中实际汇率经常会偏离均衡汇率水平,导致汇率失调,长期的汇率失调就会对宏观经济产生不利影响。


英文缩写词 ERER 的含义,不止“Equilibrium Real Exchange Real”一个。




  1. Electronic Real Estate Recording 缩写成 “ERER”. 中文意思是:电子房地产记录


  1. Equilibrium Real Exchange Rate 缩写成 “ERER”. 中文意思是:均衡实际汇率

