
“Real Estate Construction Design”经常缩写成RECD,以便快捷书写、使用。



Real Estate Construction Design : 房地产建筑设计

Real Estate Construction Design具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:RECD
  2. 英语全称: Real Estate Construction Design
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:房地产建筑设计
  7. 中文拼音:fáng dì chǎn jiàn zhù shè jì
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:建筑


  1. Along with rapidly development of real estate in the nation, lots of developers emphasize project schedule while construction design management are neglected in project prophase should have our attention, which leads to frequent design alterations, uneconomical design products and serious waste of investment.
  2. 目前国内房产开发形势火热,但是我们注意到很多开发商在抢进度的同时却忽略了对工程前期设计工作的管理,以至于后期设计变更频繁,设计产品不经济,浪费严重。
  3. To operation projects, Real estate enterprises has to do the work includes not only construction, but also marketing, design management, project cost control, selection of materials, preferred contractor, capital allocation and other programs.
  4. 房地产企业运作项目,除了项目工程的具体实施外,还涉及到市场营销、设计管理、项目成本控制、选材用料、优选承建商、资金配置等等工作。
  5. Star River real estate development and construction of this paper, the successful operation and management in the case of Star River management in the design of fine, fine construction management, fine property management, fine cost management analysis of five aspects.
  6. 本文结合星河湾地产开发建设中的成功运营管理案例,对星河湾在设计管理精细化、施工管理精细化、物业管理精细化、成本管理精细化五方面进行分析。


英文缩写词 RECD 的含义,不止“Real Estate Construction Design”一个。




  1. Real Estate Career Developers 缩写成 “RECD”. 中文意思是:房地产开发商


  1. Rural Economies And Communities Directorate 缩写成 “RECD”. 中文意思是:农村经济和社区理事会


  1. Rural Economic Community Development 缩写成 “RECD”. 中文意思是:农村经济社会发展
  2. Rural Economic And Community Development 缩写成 “RECD”. 中文意思是:农村经济与社区发展


  1. Real Ear To Coupler Difference 缩写成 “RECD”. 中文意思是:实际的耳对耦合差

