
“Ministry of Public Administration”经常缩写成MOPA,以便快捷书写、使用。



Ministry of Public Administration : 公共行政部

Ministry of Public Administration具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:MOPA
  2. 英语全称: Ministry of Public Administration
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:公共行政部
  7. 中文拼音:gōng gòng xíng zhèng bù
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:未分类的


  1. Officials of the South Korean Ministry of Public Administration(MOPA) and Security, the government body in charge of the new addresses, declined to be interviewed.
  2. 负责新地址系统的政府机构、韩国公共管理与安全部的官员谢绝采访。
  3. The annual production plan for raw materials of psychotropic drugs and for the psychotropic drugs of category I shall be made jointly by the Ministry of Public Health and the State Administration for Medicine.
  4. 精神药品的原料和第一类精神药品制剂的年度生产计划,由卫生部会同国家医药管理局联合下达。
  5. Bronchitis Pill ( WS3-B-0706-91 ) was recorded in Drug Specification Promulgated by the Ministry of Public Health. It is also belonging to register administration ) the 9th register classification that changing the form of the drug, which was sold inland before.
  6. 气管炎丸载于部颁标准(WS3-B-0706&91),现作为9类新药,即改变国内已上市销售药品剂型的制剂。
  7. Conclusions : Regular textbooks for health administration should be offered by the Ministry of Public Health to satisfy the need of the development and training of health administration.
  8. 结论:卫生管理专业教材应统一规划和管理,以适应学科发展的需要和卫生管理专业人才培养的模式。


英文缩写词 MOPA 的含义,不止“Ministry of Public Administration”一个。




  1. Misamis Oriental Pharmaceutical Association 缩写成 “MOPA”. 中文意思是:Misamis东方制药协会


  1. Master Oscillator, Power Amplifier 缩写成 “MOPA”. 中文意思是:主振荡器,功率放大器
  2. Master Oscillator Power Amplifier 缩写成 “MOPA”. 中文意思是:主振荡器功率放大器


  1. Museum Of Photographic Arts 缩写成 “MOPA”. 中文意思是:摄影艺术博物馆
  2. Museum of Public Art 缩写成 “MOPA”. 中文意思是:公共艺术博物馆


  1. Master of Public Affairs 缩写成 “MOPA”. 中文意思是:公共事务硕士

