
“Positive State of Mind”经常缩写成PSOM,以便快捷书写、使用。



Positive State of Mind : 积极的心态

Positive State of Mind具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:PSOM
  2. 英语全称: Positive State of Mind
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:积极的心态
  7. 中文拼音:jī jí de xīn tài
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:未分类的


  1. I took my seat when I went back to the court, admiring his healthy and positive state of mind.
  2. 他转身回到场里,我终于没再走到场外,放心地坐了下来,心里赞叹着儿子健康、积极的心态(PSOM)。
  3. Today, incense sticks are widely used during meditation, spiritual sessions and yoga practice as it is believed that incense disperse the negative energy and help to create a positive state of mind.
  4. 今天,印度长香非常广泛的应用于冥想,宗教盛会,瑜伽练习。因为大家一致认为长香的芳香能驱散消极的思想能帮助创造一种积极的心境。
  5. According to this study objects, management communication is divided into view coordination, information correctness and positive state of mind.
  6. 再根据本文研究对象,将管理沟通划分为观点协调性、信息正确性和心态正面性。
  7. This formation mechanism between the two employees have to meet certain needs, to meet the needs of a positive state of mind, thereby increasing the sense of belonging to the organization and employee groups.
  8. 这二者形成的机制都具有满足员工的某种需要,需要的满足带来积极的心理状态,从而增加员工对组织群体的归属感。
  9. Happiness can be described as a positive mood and a pleasant state of mind.
  10. 快乐是一种积极的情感和满足的情绪。


英文缩写词 PSOM 的含义,不止“Positive State of Mind”一个。




  1. Pediatric Stroke Outcome Measure 缩写成 “PSOM”. 中文意思是:儿科中风结局测量


  1. Primary Secretory Otitis Media 缩写成 “PSOM”. 中文意思是:原发性分泌性中耳炎
  2. Potomac School of Ministry 缩写成 “PSOM”. 中文意思是:波托马克教育部学校
  3. Palisade School of Mountaineering 缩写成 “PSOM”. 中文意思是:栅栏登山学校


  1. Pipeline System for Octave and Matlab 缩写成 “PSOM”. 中文意思是:八度和matlab的管道系统
  2. Persistent Shared Object Model 缩写成 “PSOM”. 中文意思是:持久共享对象模型
  3. Programmable Speedometer Odometer Module 缩写成 “PSOM”. 中文意思是:可编程车速表里程表模块
  4. Programma Samenwerking Opkomende Markten 缩写成 “PSOM”. 中文意思是:新兴市场合作计划

