
“Quality Systems Evaluation”经常缩写成QSE,以便快捷书写、使用。



Quality Systems Evaluation : 质量体系评价

Quality Systems Evaluation具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:QSE
  2. 英语全称: Quality Systems Evaluation
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:质量体系评价
  7. 中文拼音:zhì liàng tǐ xì píng jià
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:未分类的


  1. Measures should also be made to evaluate the performance of the enterprises ' quality systems and the evaluation results should be combined into annual qualification check and bidding.
  2. 建立对企业质量体系运行评价的措施,并把评价结果同企业的资质年审和招投标结合起来。
  3. Through quality software systems, the students can get evaluation data of the daily life, aware of their shortcomings, so students can enhance their quality of training by this good platform of automated testing.
  4. 学校可以通过软件系统对学生素质进行模糊综合评价,使学生通过日常生活的评测数据,意识到自身存在的不足,为学生加强自身素质锻炼提供了很好的自动化检测平台。
  5. The main reason for the conflict between different education quality evaluation systems is the conflict between different education quality evaluation values of different evaluation bodies, and is the conflict between the selections of education ideals and realistic interests during the education.
  6. 造成不同教育质量评价观冲突的主要原因是不同评价主体的不同教育价值观的冲突,是人们有关教育理想和现实利益在选择中的冲突。
  7. Borrowing advanced experience and practical outcomes of Australian VET Curriculum Quality Assurance System, Chinese VET Curriculum Quality Assurance System requires to be constructed in terms of five systems, multi-dimensional evaluation and four systems, based on four principles.
  8. 借鉴澳大利亚职业教育课程质量保障的经验举措和实际效果,我国职业教育课程质量保障体系框架的建构需要依据四个原则、建立五个系统,实行多元主体的评价,并完善四个机制。
  9. This article makes an analysis of the two typical quality evaluation systems of digital reference service at home and abroad, puts forward the principles of building up the quality evaluation system of digital reference service in libraries of China, and offers some countermeasures for evaluation.
  10. 本文对目前国内外的两种有代表性的数字参考咨询服务质量评价体系进行了分析,提出了我国图书馆建立数字参考咨询服务质量评价体系的原则,并指出了评价时应采取的措施。


英文缩写词 QSE 的含义,不止“Quality Systems Evaluation”一个。




  1. Quality Systems Enhancement, Inc. 缩写成 “QSE”. 中文意思是:质量系统增强公司
  2. Quality Systems Enhancement 缩写成 “QSE”. 中文意思是:质量体系增强
  3. Quality Systems Engineering 缩写成 “QSE”. 中文意思是:质量体系工程
  4. Quest Scientific Exchange 缩写成 “QSE”. 中文意思是:探索科学交流
  5. Qualité Sécurité Environnement 缩写成 “QSE”. 中文意思是:质量安全环境


  1. Qualitative Studies in Education 缩写成 “QSE”. 中文意思是:教育质量研究
  2. Qualifying Science Examination 缩写成 “QSE”. 中文意思是:资格科学考试


  1. Qualified Scheduling Entities 缩写成 “QSE”. 中文意思是:合格的调度实体
  2. Quality System Essential 缩写成 “QSE”. 中文意思是:质量体系至关重要
  3. Quality Security Environment 缩写成 “QSE”. 中文意思是:质量安全环境
  4. Quality Safety Environment 缩写成 “QSE”. 中文意思是:质量安全环境
  5. Quality Safety Enviroment 缩写成 “QSE”. 中文意思是:质量安全环境


  1. QuadScan Elite 缩写成 “QSE”. 中文意思是:四维精英
  2. Quality Software Engineering 缩写成 “QSE”. 中文意思是:质量软件工程

