
“National Institute for Economic and Social Research”经常缩写成NIESR,以便快捷书写、使用。



National Institute for Economic and Social Research : 国家经济社会研究所

National Institute for Economic and Social Research具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:NIESR
  2. 英语全称: National Institute for Economic and Social Research
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:国家经济社会研究所
  7. 中文拼音:guó jiā jīng jì shè huì yán jiū suǒ
  8. 常用领域:机构
  9. 相关:学院


  1. The economics think-tank the National Institute for economic and social research said the economy returned to growth in April.
  2. 经济智库国家经济社会研究院(nationalinstituteofeconomicandsocialresearch)表示,英国经济已在4月份重返增长轨道。
  3. Recent data on the UK support his scepticism, as Jonathan Portes of the National Institute for economic and social research has also noted.
  4. 英国国家经济与社会研究所(niesr)的乔纳森波特斯(jonathanportes)也指出,英国最近的数据支持了萨默斯的怀疑。
  5. The UK National Institute of Economic and Social Research recently published growth estimates for the EU showing no rise this year and 0.9 per cent for 2013.
  6. 根据英国国家经济社会研究院(NationalInstituteforEconomicandSocialResearch)最近发布的经济增长预测,今年欧盟经济不会出现增长,2013年将增长0.9%。
  7. If you are running the economy well, after a while it gets pretty boring to the political class, says Jonathan Portes, director of the National Institute for Economic and Social Research(NIESR). So naturally they get inclined to do other things.
  8. 如果你把经济管理得很好,过了一段时间后,政治阶层会觉得相当厌烦,英国国家经济社会研究院(NIESR)院长乔纳森波特斯(JonathanPortes)说,所以他们自然就会想做其他事情。
  9. The UK National Institute highlights a higher price for risk, which would increase the effective cost of capital, involving a higher equity premium in the stock market.
  10. 英国国家经济社会研究院(nationalinstituteofeconomicandsocialresearch)则强调了风险价格的上升这会增加资本的有效成本,包括股市溢价上升。


英文缩写词 NIESR 的含义,不止“National Institute for Economic and Social Research”一个。




  1. National Institute of Economic and Social Research 缩写成 “NIESR”. 中文意思是:全国经济社会研究学会
  2. National Institute of 缩写成 “NIESR”. 中文意思是:国家研究所

