
“Last Line of Defence”经常缩写成LLOD,以便快捷书写、使用。



Last Line of Defence : 最后一道防线

Last Line of Defence具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:LLOD
  2. 英语全称: Last Line of Defence
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:最后一道防线
  7. 中文拼音:zuì hòu yī dào fáng xiàn
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:未分类的


  1. That leaves the ECB as the last line of defence for the euro.
  2. 因此,欧洲央行就成为保卫欧元的最后一道防线(LLOD)。
  3. The sub-editor can be seen as the reader's last line of defence.
  4. 助理编辑被视为读者的最后防线。
  5. Baidu, the search engine, unveiled a prototype pair of smart chopsticks to form the last line of defence in Chinese diners battle against gutter oil and other food scares.
  6. 百度,一家搜索引擎公司,近期揭秘了一双智能筷子的原型,作为中国餐桌上抵制地沟油的最后一道防线(LLOD)。
  7. The search and rescue work is the last but the most direct means to avoid or lighten perils of the maritime accident, and can be said to be the " last line of defence " to ensure the maritime safety.
  8. 海上搜救工作是避免或减轻海难事故危害的最后的也是最直接的手段,可以说是保障海上安全的最后一道防线(LLOD)。
  9. Backup and recovery are considered as the last line of defence for ensuring information security, and take on very important status in the whole information guarantee architecture.
  10. 备份与恢复作为保障信息安全的最后一道防线(LLOD),在整个信息保障体系中具有重要地位。


英文缩写词 LLOD 的含义,不止“Last Line of Defence”一个。




  1. Last Line of Defense 缩写成 “LLOD”. 中文意思是:最后一道防线


  1. Linguistic Linked Open Data 缩写成 “LLOD”. 中文意思是:语言关联开放数据

