
“Out Of the Home”经常缩写成OOH,以便快捷书写、使用。



Out Of the Home : 离家出走

Out Of the Home具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:OOH
  2. 英语全称: Out Of the Home
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:离家出走
  7. 中文拼音:lí jiā chū zǒu
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:未分类的


  1. I believe that as such simplified social life, the school life should grow gradually out of the home life;
  2. 我相信,作为经过简化了的社会生活,学校生活应该逐渐地从家庭生活里发展出来;
  3. At the age of 16, she moved out of the home she shared with her mum and eight siblings in Crawley, West Sussex, to a council flat of her own.
  4. 16岁时,她搬出了和母亲及8个姊妹同住的旧屋,从西苏塞克斯的克劳雷搬到了属于她自己的简易公寓。
  5. Many women come home and keep quiet about their [ HIV ] test results, continuing to breastfeed, afraid of being thrown out of the home.
  6. 许多妇女回家后对她们的[艾滋病毒]检测结果秘而不宣,继续进行母乳喂养,因为她们害怕被赶出家门。
  7. In our society, people often move out of the home at an early age, marry or live with people their parents have never met, and choose occupations that are rather different.
  8. 而在现代的社会中,人们年轻时就离开家,他们的结婚对象可能父母从来没见过,他们选择的职业也与祖辈大相径庭。
  9. A.women need chances to go out of the home more often B.women want more freedom in deciding the kind of lift they want C.
  10. 女人需要多些机会走出家B。女人想要更多的自由来决定他们想要的那种生活。


英文缩写词 OOH 的含义,不止“Out Of the Home”一个。




  1. Out Of Here 缩写成 “OOH”. 中文意思是:离开这里


  1. Out Of Hospital 缩写成 “OOH”. 中文意思是:院外


  1. Occupational Outlook Handbook 缩写成 “OOH”. 中文意思是:职业前景手册
  2. Out Of Hours 缩写成 “OOH”. 中文意思是:小时外
  3. Out-Of-Home advertising 缩写成 “OOH”. 中文意思是:户外广告
  4. Oohmedia Group Ltd 缩写成 “OOH”. 中文意思是:奥赫迈迪集团有限公司


  1. Out of Our Heads 缩写成 “OOH”. 中文意思是:从我们的头脑中
  2. Out Of Home 缩写成 “OOH”. 中文意思是:离家出走


  1. Out Of Hiding 缩写成 “OOH”. 中文意思是:躲藏
  2. Object Orientated Home 缩写成 “OOH”. 中文意思是:面向对象主页
  3. Our Own Hands 缩写成 “OOH”. 中文意思是:我们自己的手

