
“User Interface Software and”经常缩写成UIST,以便快捷书写、使用。



User Interface Software and : 用户界面软件和

User Interface Software and具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:UIST
  2. 英语全称: User Interface Software and
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:用户界面软件和
  7. 中文拼音:yòng hù jiè miàn ruǎn jiàn hé
  8. 常用领域:计算机
  9. 相关:软件


  1. My work includes design and development of User Interface software module, which contains user interface software and remote control ( RC ) receiving software.
  2. 在此项目中本人主要完成机顶盒用户接口模块软件的设计与开发,包括用户界面软件和(UIST)遥控接收软件两部分。
  3. This paper presents the Graphic User Interface of Configuration Software, and introduces ActiveX Controls which compose of the Graphic User Interface. Finally it analyzes the design flow and key ideas of three ActiveX Controls in detail.
  4. 对组态软件用户图形界面进行了介绍,引入了组成图形界面的基本元素-ActiveX控件,并详细地分析了三个ActiveX控件的设计流程及关键技术。
  5. The software designed by the method has beautiful user interface, reliable software performance and reasonable resoures use ect.
  6. 使用这种方法设计的软件具有美观的用户界面、可靠的软件性能以及合理的资源使用等优点。
  7. Embedded GUI is a graphic user interface system designed for specific software and hardware equipment or environment in the embedded system.
  8. 嵌入式GUI就是在嵌入式系统中为特定的软硬件设备或环境而设计的图形用户界面系统。
  9. The paper introduces the software design for radar display and control terminal under Windows 2000 system. Using graphical user interface, the software is convenient and flexible in operation, and it has graphics zoom function for trace display.
  10. 介绍了一种在Windows2000下雷达显控终端软件的设计,本软件采用图形化用户界面,航迹显示具有缩放功能,且操作方便、灵活。


英文缩写词 UIST 的含义,不止“User Interface Software and”一个。




  1. User Interface Software and Technology 缩写成 “UIST”. 中文意思是:用户界面软件与技术

