
“International Development Opportunities”经常缩写成IDO,以便快捷书写、使用。



International Development Opportunities : 国际发展机遇

International Development Opportunities具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:IDO
  2. 英语全称: International Development Opportunities
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:国际发展机遇
  7. 中文拼音:guó jì fā zhǎn jī yù
  8. 常用领域:社会
  9. 相关:发展


  1. Market expansion of new products, improvement of packaging materials and international market development seized marketing opportunities and, therefore, reversed operational trends from loss to net profit increasing in the near past years.
  2. 经过新产品的市场开发,包装材料的改革,国际市场的开拓,有效地把握了市场机遇,从亏损转向逐年利润增加。
  3. Combined the results of empirical analysis for the Shanghai car industry and the domestic and international market environment and its development opportunities, I try to propose policy proposals to enhance the competitiveness of Shanghai car industry and provide a theoretical reference.
  4. 针对实证分析的结果并结合上海轿车产业所面临的国内外市场环境和其发展机遇,提出提升上海轿车产业竞争力的对策建议,旨在为提升上海轿车产业竞争力提供理论参考。
  5. As international competition has become intensified, development opportunities are transient. Under such circumstances, developing countries naturally should select roads facilitating quickened development.
  6. 国际竞争日益激烈,发展的机会稍纵即逝,发展中国家理所当然地要选择加快发展的道路。
  7. Based on the core competitive power of perspective as it implements the strategy of mergers and acquisitions, not only for the development of new business space, but also effective in the grasp domestic the international economic pattern change brought about development opportunities.
  8. 基于核心竞争力的角度实施的战略并购,不但能够为企业的发展提供新的空间,而且还能够有效的把握住目前国内、国际经济格局变动所带来的发展契机。
  9. At this point, the western by virtue of resources and policy advantages, is also facing domestic and international transfer of industry to undertake development opportunities.
  10. 此时,西部凭借资源优势、国家西部大开发战略的政策优势,同样面临着承接国内外产业转移的发展机遇。


英文缩写词 IDO 的含义,不止“International Development Opportunities”一个。




  1. Intentional Drug Overdose 缩写成 “IDO”. 中文意思是:故意药物过量


  1. Indo Mines Ltd 缩写成 “IDO”. 中文意思是:印度矿业有限公司


  1. Santa Isabel Do Morro, TO, Brazil 缩写成 “IDO”. 中文意思是:圣伊莎贝尔杜莫罗, TO, 巴西


  1. InterDivisional Operations 缩写成 “IDO”. 中文意思是:跨部门行动
  2. İstanbul Deniz Otobüsleri 缩写成 “IDO”. 中文意思是:斯坦布尔·德尼兹·奥托布·斯莱里
  3. Installation Deployment Officer 缩写成 “IDO”. 中文意思是:安装配置官
  4. Investment and Development Office 缩写成 “IDO”. 中文意思是:投资发展办公室


  1. International Dance Organization 缩写成 “IDO”. 中文意思是:国际舞蹈组织
  2. In Depth Outdoors 缩写成 “IDO”. 中文意思是:深入户外
  3. Infinite Disjoint Orbit 缩写成 “IDO”. 中文意思是:无限不相交轨道
  4. Information Dissemination Organization 缩写成 “IDO”. 中文意思是:信息传播组织
  5. itial Defensive Operations 缩写成 “IDO”. 中文意思是:初期防御行动
  6. Improvised Detonating Ordnance 缩写成 “IDO”. 中文意思是:简易爆炸装置
  7. Industrial Diesel Oil 缩写成 “IDO”. 中文意思是:工业柴油

