
“Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems”经常缩写成IDPS,以便快捷书写、使用。



Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems : 入侵检测和预防系统

Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:IDPS
  2. 英语全称: Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:入侵检测和预防系统
  7. 中文拼音:rù qīn jiǎn cè hé yù fáng xì tǒng
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:未分类的


  1. Intrusion detection and prevention systems have become an essential technology in the deployment of a " defense-in-depth " security architecture.
  2. 入侵检测和防护系统已经成为部署“深度防护”安全体系结构的一种基本技术。
  3. This session discusses the roles of network-based intrusion detection and prevention systems, and where these systems can be best deployed to maximize coverage and benefit.
  4. 本将课程讨论基于网络的入侵检测和防护系统的作用,以及如何最好地部署这些系统,以最大限度地提高覆盖率和收益。
  5. With the improvement of network speed and the more complicated of network intrusion behavior, high speed and high performance network intrusion detection and prevention systems are more and more needed, but most of researches and developments are focused on network intrusion detection systems now.
  6. 随着网络速度的日益提高和网络入侵行为的越来越复杂化,高速高性能的网络入侵检测和防御系统越来越受到重视,但是目前绝大部分研究都集中在网络入侵检测系统方面。
  7. Network Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems(IDPS) ( NIDS / NIPS ) are emerging as a promising approach to protecting network security, which monitor real-time network traffic for inspecting and preventing network attacks.
  8. 网络入侵检测和防御系统是网络安全防御的主要手段,即通过实时监测网络流量,检查和阻止网络攻击。


英文缩写词 IDPS 的含义,不止“Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems”一个。




  1. Investor Directed Portfolio Service 缩写成 “IDPS”. 中文意思是:投资者导向的投资组合服务
  2. Investor Directed Portfolio Services 缩写成 “IDPS”. 中文意思是:投资者导向的投资组合服务


  1. Interface Digital Processor 缩写成 “IDPS”. 中文意思是:接口数字处理机


  1. Intrusion Detection and Prevention System 缩写成 “IDPS”. 中文意思是:入侵检测和预防系统


  1. Ignore Disk Protect Switch 缩写成 “IDPS”. 中文意思是:忽略磁盘保护开关
  2. Intrusion Detection and Prevention Service 缩写成 “IDPS”. 中文意思是:入侵检测和预防服务

