“Moving Chemical Reaction Boundary”经常缩写成MCRB,以便快捷书写、使用。
Moving Chemical Reaction Boundary具体释义
- 英文缩写:MCRB
- 英语全称: Moving Chemical Reaction Boundary
- 英语发音:
- 美式英语发音:
- 英式英语发音:
- 中文意思:移动化学反应边界
- 中文拼音:yí dòng huà xué fǎn yìng biān jiè
- 常用领域:学术科学
- 相关:化学
- In this thesis, the development of capillary electrophoresis ( CE ) on-line sample preconcentration and the moving chemical reaction boundary ( MCRB ) were reviewed.
- 本文综述了在线富集技术和移动化学反应界面体系的研究进展。
- As one of the important branches of electrochemistry, the electrolyte solution boundary has become a very hot topic in analytical chemistry, among them moving chemical reaction boundary ( MCRB ) and zone boundary have come to be the main development trend in recent 10 years.
- 电解质溶液界面作为电化学的一个重要分支,已经成为分析化学领域的研究热点,特别是其中的移动化学反应界面和区带界面更是作为近十年的重点研究方向。
- Moving chemical reaction boundary formed by strong reaction electrolytes : analyses of experimental data
- 强反应电解质形成的移动化学反应界面:实验分析
- Improve ment of the apparatus for the experiments of moving chemical reaction boundary
- 移动化学反应界面实验装置的改进
- The Pre-precipitate Zones Occurring after the Experiments of Moving Chemical Reaction Boundary(MCRB) Formed by Co ~ ( 2 + ) and OH ~ -
- 移动化学反应界面实验后出现的前沉淀区带(英文)
英文缩写词 MCRB 的含义,不止“Moving Chemical Reaction Boundary”一个。
- Masonic Cancer Research Building 缩写成 “MCRB”. 中文意思是:共济会癌症研究大楼
- MCB Finance Group (de-listed) 缩写成 “MCRB”. 中文意思是:MCB金融集团(取消上市)
- Myanmar Centre for Responsible Business 缩写成 “MCRB”. 中文意思是:缅甸负责商业中心
- Michigans Coldest Rap Battle 缩写成 “MCRB”. 中文意思是:密歇根州最冷的说唱大战
- Modified Cramer RAO Bound 缩写成 “MCRB”. 中文意思是:改进的Cramer-Rao绑定