
“Software Engineering In Practice”经常缩写成SEIP,以便快捷书写、使用。



Software Engineering In Practice : 实践中的软件工程

Software Engineering In Practice具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:SEIP
  2. 英语全称: Software Engineering In Practice
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:实践中的软件工程
  7. 中文拼音:shí jiàn zhōng de ruǎn jiàn gōng chéng
  8. 常用领域:计算机
  9. 相关:软件


  1. The Managing Framework for Distributed Software Engineering in CMM Practice
  2. CMM实践中的分布式软件工程管理框架
  3. Formal method supplies rigorous and self-contained theory basis for the software reverse engineering, but it is rarely applied in the practice.
  4. 形式化技术为软件逆工程提供严格和完备的理论基础,但应用于实践的非常少。
  5. In this paper, based on industry control software characteristics and some of the basic engineering principles and experience gained in practice, a new model methodology for requirement analysis is presented.
  6. 本文根据工控软件的特性基本的工程原理和实践经验提出了一种基于模型的需求分析方法。
  7. Have taken software engineering as one large number of software theory of representative has provided for business in rationale and practice norm powerful, have formed more perfect design and the technological process. But implement tier is not optimize of business tier.
  8. 以软件工程为代表的一大批软件理论为业务层提供了强大的理论和实践支持,形成了较完善的设计和开发流程;但是在工具层方面却不如业务层乐观。
  9. The course of software engineering is quite theoretical and hard for students to understand its principles in class, if they have no actual development practice.
  10. 软件工程是一门理论性很强的课程,没有开发实践经验的学生在听课时会感觉非常抽象,难以理解。


英文缩写词 SEIP 的含义,不止“Software Engineering In Practice”一个。




  1. Sumitomo Electric Interconnect Products 缩写成 “SEIP”. 中文意思是:住友电气互联产品


  1. Systems Engineering and Implementation Plan 缩写成 “SEIP”. 中文意思是:系统工程和实施计划
  2. State Employee Incentive Program 缩写成 “SEIP”. 中文意思是:国家雇员激励计划

