
“What Went Wrong With”经常缩写成WWWW,以便快捷书写、使用。



What Went Wrong With : 出了什么问题

What Went Wrong With具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:WWWW
  2. 英语全称: What Went Wrong With
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:出了什么问题
  7. 中文拼音:chū le shén me wèn tí
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:未分类的


  1. She wants to know what went wrong with that project at work or why you got mad with your boss.
  2. 她想要知道你工作中哪里出了问题或者你和老板发飙的原因。
  3. Officials say they still have no idea what went wrong with the aircraft.
  4. 官员称,他们也不清楚飞机到底哪里出了故障。
  5. It is difficult for me to diagnose what went wrong with the tool without knowing more about your code.
  6. 由于我不了解您的代码,所以判断工具出现的故障是很困难的。
  7. Thomas Friedman, a New York Times columnist, has just published a book that is subtitled " what went wrong with America and how it can come back ".
  8. 纽约时报(newyorktimes)专栏作家托马斯弗里德曼(thomasfriedman)最近刚刚出版了一本新书,书名的副标题是“美国的问题出在哪里以及我们如何东山再起”。
  9. She trained her intelligent eyes upon us and I imagined her thinking, " what went wrong with evolution? "
  10. 她用聪慧的目光瞄着我们,我想象着,她一定在想,“进化论出了什么岔子了吗?”


英文缩写词 WWWW 的含义,不止“What Went Wrong With”一个。




  1. World Wide Wireless Web 缩写成 “WWWW”. 中文意思是:全球无线网络


  1. World Wide Web Worm 缩写成 “WWWW”. 中文意思是:万维网蠕虫


  1. What, When, Where, and Why 缩写成 “WWWW”. 中文意思是:什么,何时,何地,为什么
  2. FM-102.9, Ann Arbor, Michigan 缩写成 “WWWW”. 中文意思是:FM-102.9,密歇根州安娜堡


  1. World Wide Web Winemaking 缩写成 “WWWW”. 中文意思是:万维网酿酒
  2. Wonderful World Wide Web 缩写成 “WWWW”. 中文意思是:精彩的万维网
  3. Wibon Wccon Wifpon Wipon 缩写成 “WWWW”. 中文意思是:威邦威邦威邦威邦威邦

