
“Strategy In Strategy Out”经常缩写成SISO,以便快捷书写、使用。



Strategy In Strategy Out : 策略输入策略输出

Strategy In Strategy Out具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:SISO
  2. 英语全称: Strategy In Strategy Out
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:策略输入策略输出
  7. 中文拼音:cè lvè shū rù cè lvè shū chū
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:未分类的


  1. Combination of three types of competitive strategy cost leadership strategy, differentiation strategy and concentration on the Electrolux strategy in China at different stages of the competition strategy, carried out in stages of analysis and evaluation.
  2. 结合竞争战略的三种类型,即成本领先战略、差异化战略和集中化战略对伊莱克斯在中国市场不同阶段的竞争战略、进行了分阶段的分析和评价。
  3. With the development of the enterprise strategy management in our country's practice, how to promote the enterprise ' strategy to be carried out is becoming more and more important to the Chinese enterprise.
  4. 随着企业战略管理在我国实践的不断深入,如何提升企业的战略执行力越来越为中国企业界所重视。
  5. Completing Shanghai's talents developing strategy in the new century is a grandiose and systematic new project. The strategy should be carried out in the aspects such as ideas, planning, system, developing according to Shanghai's city orientation of international metropolis and strategic goals.
  6. 实施新世纪上海人才战略,是一项宏大的系统工程,要根据上海国际大都市的城市定位和战略目标,从思想观念、人才规模、人才体制、人才开发等方面全面突破;
  7. This article is about the study of sports managerial strategy in the sports industrial strategy and the and the main components of sports marketing policy decision. It points out that sports industrial strategy is significant for regulating industrial structure and promoting national economy developing healthily.
  8. 本文对体育产业战略中的体育经营战略及其重要组成部分的体育营销决策进行了研究,指出体育产业战略对调整产业结构和促进国民经济快速发展的重要意义。
  9. The disadvantage of the propsed strategy is the extremely high complexity. Thus, in this thesis, the complexity of the proposed strategy is analyzed to find out the factors that influence the complexity. The complexity is lowered to apply the proposed strategy in practical systems.
  10. 此方案的缺点是复杂度太高,所以在论文中,对提出方案的复杂度进行分析研究,找到影响方案复杂度的因素,对资源分配方案进行简化,使之能在实际系统中得以应用。


英文缩写词 SISO 的含义,不止“Strategy In Strategy Out”一个。




  1. Settlement and Integration Services Organization 缩写成 “SISO”. 中文意思是:结算集成服务组织
  2. Samsung India Software Operations 缩写成 “SISO”. 中文意思是:三星印度软件运营部
  3. Simulation Interoperability Standards Organization 缩写成 “SISO”. 中文意思是:仿真互操作性标准组织


  1. Single Input, Single Output 缩写成 “SISO”. 中文意思是:单输入,单输出
  2. Society of Independent Show Organizers 缩写成 “SISO”. 中文意思是:独立组展商协会


  1. Singapore Institution of Safety Officers 缩写成 “SISO”. 中文意思是:新加坡安全官员协会


  1. Slow Input, Slow Output 缩写成 “SISO”. 中文意思是:慢输入,慢输出
  2. Single Input Single Output 缩写成 “SISO”. 中文意思是:单输入单输出
  3. Safe Inside Safe Outside 缩写成 “SISO”. 中文意思是:安全在里面安全在外面
  4. Single Input and Signal Output 缩写成 “SISO”. 中文意思是:单输入和信号输出
  5. Spicy In Spicy Out 缩写成 “SISO”. 中文意思是:辛辣的,辛辣的
  6. Soft Input Soft Output 缩写成 “SISO”. 中文意思是:软输入软输出
  7. Sign in and Sod Off 缩写成 “SISO”. 中文意思是:登录并关闭SOD


  1. Soft-Input Soft-Output 缩写成 “SISO”. 中文意思是:软输入软输出

