“Occupational Safety & Health Council”经常缩写成OSHC,以便快捷书写、使用。
Occupational Safety & Health Council具体释义
- 英文缩写:OSHC
- 英语全称: Occupational Safety & Health Council
- 英语发音:
- 美式英语发音:
- 英式英语发音:
- 中文意思:职业安全与健康理事会
- 中文拼音:zhí yè ān quán yǔ jiàn kāng lǐ shì huì
- 常用领域:医学
- 相关:
- Accident prevention and safety management training courses were provided by the Occupational Safety and Health Council, Labour Department and Works Bureau for site supervisory staff.
- 职业安全健康局、劳工处及工务局又为工地督导人员提供预防意外及安全管理的训练课程。
- The division assisted the Occupational Safety and Health Council and the Haking Wong Technical Institute in organising training courses for boiler and steam receiver operators.
- 该科并协助职业安全健康局及黄克竞工业学院,为锅炉及蒸汽容器的操作员举办训练课程。
- " Executive Director, Occupational Safety and Health Council "
- 职业安全健康局总干事
英文缩写词 OSHC 的含义,不止“Occupational Safety & Health Council”一个。
- Occupational Safety and Health Center 缩写成 “OSHC”. 中文意思是:职业安全卫生中心
- Occupational Safety and Health Council 缩写成 “OSHC”. 中文意思是:职业安全与健康理事会
- Overseas Student Health 缩写成 “OSHC”. 中文意思是:留学生健康
- Office of Science and Health Coordination 缩写成 “OSHC”. 中文意思是:科学与卫生协调办公室
- Outside School Hours Care 缩写成 “OSHC”. 中文意思是:校外看护
- Out of School Hours Care 缩写成 “OSHC”. 中文意思是:校外看护
- Overseas Student Health Cover 缩写成 “OSHC”. 中文意思是:海外学生健康保险
- Ocean Shore Holding Co 缩写成 “OSHC”. 中文意思是:海洋海岸控股公司