“Hong Kong Housing Authority”经常缩写成HKHA,以便快捷书写、使用。
Hong Kong Housing Authority具体释义
- 英文缩写:HKHA
- 英语全称: Hong Kong Housing Authority
- 英语发音:
- 美式英语发音:
- 英式英语发音:
- 中文意思:香港房屋委员会
- 中文拼音:xiāng gǎng fáng wū wěi yuán huì
- 常用领域:机构
- 相关:
- He has also served on committees, including the Hang Seng Index Advisory Committee and Hong Kong Housing Authority(HKHA).
- 他还服务于多个委员会,包括恒生指数顾问委员会(HangSengIndexAdvisoryCommittee)和香港房屋委员会(HKHA)(HongKongHousingAuthority)。
- Ad Hoc Committee on Housing for the Elderly [ Hong Kong Housing Authority(HKHA) ] There are two priority schemes for public rental flats which encourage families to live with and take care of their elderly members.
- 高龄人士住所专责小组委员会〔香港房屋委员会(HKHA)〕房委会目前有两个优先配屋计划,以鼓励本港家庭与家中长者同住及照顾他们。
- " Chairman, Hong Kong Housing Authority(HKHA) "
- 香港房屋委员会(HKHA)主席
- Sub-committee on the Rent Assistance Scheme [ Hong Kong Housing Authority(HKHA) ]
- 租金援助计划附属小组委员会〔香港房屋委员会(HKHA)〕
- Project Design Review Committee [ Hong Kong Housing Authority(HKHA) ]
- 工程设计检讨小组委员会〔香港房屋委员会(HKHA)〕