
“We Work For Health”经常缩写成WWFH,以便快捷书写、使用。



We Work For Health : 我们为健康工作

We Work For Health具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:WWFH
  2. 英语全称: We Work For Health
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:我们为健康工作
  7. 中文拼音:wǒ men wèi jiàn kāng gōng zuò
  8. 常用领域:医学
  9. 相关:医疗保健


  1. This tells us that we must work for a unified health approach bringing maternal and child health and HIV programmes as well as tuberculosis programmes together to work to achieve their common goal.
  2. 这说明我们必须努力形成一种统一的卫生方法,使妇幼卫生和艾滋病毒规划以及结核病规划联合起来,争取实现其共同目标。
  3. Because we have to work for Krishna, so we must maintain our health nicely.
  4. 因为我们还要为奎师那工作,所以我们必须让自己保持健康。
  5. Low education, less communication, bad relationship to patient before dementia and bad economy in caregivers. We also found that whole day work for caregivers was beneficial to their mental health status.
  6. 照料者文化程度低、与人通讯少、与病人病前关系差、经济状况差不利于自身心理健康,而照料者全天工作有利于自身心理健康。
  7. We need to explore innovative ways to make the revolution in information technology work for health, but we also need to coordinate existing activities.
  8. 我们必须探讨各种创新办法,使信息技术革命为卫生服务,但是,我们也必须协调现有的各项活动。
  9. We must continue to work for polio eradication until it is achieved, and pursue the many and varied health and hunger projects that Rotary is known for worldwide.
  10. 我们必须继续为根除小儿麻痹而奋斗,直到达成目标为止,并进行扶轮在全世界著名的许多且不同的保健及防饥计画。


英文缩写词 WWFH 的含义,不止“We Work For Health”一个。




  1. Ward Wells Field House 缩写成 “WWFH”. 中文意思是:沃德·威尔斯现场住宅


  1. What Works for Health 缩写成 “WWFH”. 中文意思是:什么对健康有益


  1. Women Working From Home 缩写成 “WWFH”. 中文意思是:在家工作的妇女

