“Network Data Control System”经常缩写成NDCS,以便快捷书写、使用。
Network Data Control System具体释义
- 英文缩写:NDCS
- 英语全称: Network Data Control System
- 英语发音:
- 美式英语发音:
- 英式英语发音:
- 中文意思:网络数据控制系统
- 中文拼音:wǎng luò shù jù kòng zhì xì tǒng
- 常用领域:综合
- 相关:未分类的
- It will also make improvement of the real-time of the Linux operation system, and the network communication data of the system collected under various conditions will be analyzed and used in the solution of the real-time of network data transmission in the synchronous control system.
- 对Linux操作系统的实时性进行了改进。获取了该系统中多种情况下的网络通信数据,对数据进行了分析,总结了同步控制系统中如何实现网络传输实时性的问题。
- The system is built with the architecture of C / S. In this paper some problems of product collaborative design system are solved, such as bandwidth of network, data consistency, system flux control and integration of CAD system, etc.
- 该方案采用基于客户端/服务器的体系架构,重点解决实时同步过程中的网络带宽问题、数据一致性问题、系统流量控制问题,以及与企业内部CAD系统集成问题等。
- Synchronization accuracy is low as the clock difference between devices and network delay of data about measurement and control in distributed measurement and control system and can not achieve the real-time requirements.
- 由于各个设备之间的时钟差异和测控数据在网络中的传输延迟等因素造成分布式测控系统的同步精度差,达不到实时性的要求。
- Traditional network security technologies are data encryption, access control, firewall and intrusion detection system, but these methods have some disadvantages.
- 传统的计算机网络安全方案主要有数据加密、访问控制、防火墙和入侵检测系统等,上述方法都存在着一些不足之处。
- The reliability is enhanced through the redundancy design of equipment and network. Secondly, the realization of data transport comes true in the Control System of the Four Motors Lift Platform.
- 其次,实现了四电机驱动升降平台控制系统中的数据传输。
英文缩写词 NDCS 的含义,不止“Network Data Control System”一个。
- National Dental Centre of Singapore 缩写成 “NDCS”. 中文意思是:新加坡国家牙科中心
- National Daef Children Society 缩写成 “NDCS”. 中文意思是:国家DAEF儿童协会
- National Deaf Childrens Society 缩写成 “NDCS”. 中文意思是:全国聋人儿童协会
- National Drug Control Strategy 缩写成 “NDCS”. 中文意思是:国家药物管制战略
- Northern Dauphin Christian School 缩写成 “NDCS”. 中文意思是:北多芬基督教学校
- Nebraska Department of Correctional Services 缩写成 “NDCS”. 中文意思是:内布拉斯加州惩教署
- National Deaf Children s 缩写成 “NDCS”. 中文意思是:全国聋哑儿童