
“Support Services Implementation”经常缩写成SSIP,以便快捷书写、使用。



Support Services Implementation : 支持服务实施

Support Services Implementation具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:SSIP
  2. 英语全称: Support Services Implementation
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:支持服务实施
  7. 中文拼音:zhī chí fú wù shí shī
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:未分类的


  1. The government also assisted affected fishermen through the provision of support services, including the implementation of special berthing arrangements, strengthened patrols and enhanced publicity to ensure safety and order in typhoon shelters.
  2. 政府亦向受影响的渔民提供支援服务,包括实施特别泊船安排,加强巡逻和宣传,确保避风塘内的安全及秩序。
  3. Lack of top-level support, respondents believe, can derail shared services technology implementation.
  4. 调查对象认为,缺乏高层支持会让共享服务技术的实施偏离轨道。
  5. This paper concisely explains the implication of personalized services in digital library, analyses some key technologies that support personalized services. At last comes up with some discussions on the problems which should be noted in the implementation of personalized digital library services.
  6. 本文对目前在数字图书馆中应用的个性化服务的服务方式和关键支持技术进行了分析和比较,最后讨论了在实施个性化服务过程中需要关注的几个关键问题。
  7. In order to support 3G services and converged services, the fifth chapter mainly focuses on the analysis and presentation of the integration and implementation effectiveness of reformed programs which include the sub-2 Stage of integration of business support systems, BSS 3.0 system and a card charging systems.
  8. 第五章重点分析了支持3G业务和融合业务,分两个阶段对融合业务支撑系统、BSS3.0系统及一卡充系统进行融合改造的方案和实施效果。
  9. CMS in this article refers to Web-based learning environment that is built to support and manage the process of teaching, to share a variety of learning resources and learning tools., and providing exchanges and learning management services for the implementation of the network teaching.
  10. 本文所指的CMS是基于Web构建的能支持和管理教学过程、提供共享学习资源和各种学习工具的网络学习环境,为网络教学的实施提供交流与学习管理服务。


英文缩写词 SSIP 的含义,不止“Support Services Implementation”一个。




  1. Strategic Service Implementation Plan 缩写成 “SSIP”. 中文意思是:战略服务实施计划
  2. This term got 11 hits on 25.10.2011, and is best regarded as retired 缩写成 “SSIP”. 中文意思是:这个学期在2011年10月25日获得了11个点击率,最好被认为是退休了。


  1. Savings and Stock Investment Plan 缩写成 “SSIP”. 中文意思是:储蓄和股票投资计划


  1. Shuttle Student Involvement Program 缩写成 “SSIP”. 中文意思是:穿梭学生参与计划


  1. Systems Software Interface Processing 缩写成 “SSIP”. 中文意思是:系统软件接口处理
  2. Southwest Suburban Immigrant Project 缩写成 “SSIP”. 中文意思是:西南郊区移民项目


  1. Summer School on Image Processing 缩写成 “SSIP”. 中文意思是:暑期影像处理学校
  2. Strategic School Improvement Programme 缩写成 “SSIP”. 中文意思是:战略学校改进计划


  1. Safety Schemes in Procurement 缩写成 “SSIP”. 中文意思是:采购安全方案
  2. Summer Scholar Incentive Program 缩写成 “SSIP”. 中文意思是:暑期奖学金计划
  3. Salton Seismic Imaging Project 缩写成 “SSIP”. 中文意思是:索尔顿地震成像项目
  4. Supplemental Security Income Pending 缩写成 “SSIP”. 中文意思是:补充保障收入待定
  5. Sewer System Improvement Program 缩写成 “SSIP”. 中文意思是:污水系统改善计划
  6. State Systemic Improvement Plan 缩写成 “SSIP”. 中文意思是:国家系统改进计划
  7. Scientific Study of International Processes 缩写成 “SSIP”. 中文意思是:国际过程科学研究

