
“Interactive Visual Environment”经常缩写成IVE,以便快捷书写、使用。



Interactive Visual Environment : 交互式视觉环境

Interactive Visual Environment具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:IVE
  2. 英语全称: Interactive Visual Environment
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:交互式视觉环境
  7. 中文拼音:jiāo hù shì shì jué huán jìng
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:未分类的


  1. Based on the principle and applications of STK / VO, the structure of a visual simulation system suitable for spaceflight mission is presented in this paper. The system is expected to provide an intuitionistic and interactive visual simulative environment for the analyses and design of spaceflight mission.
  2. 该文在STK/VO的基础上构建了一种适于航天任务的视景仿真系统,目的在于为航天任务的分析与设计提供一个直观的可交互的可视化仿真环境。
  3. Based on the method, real-time solving and 3D animation exhibition is realized by collecting interactive signals in PLC, which provide visual environment for virtual test. 3.
  4. 该方法通过PLC采集交互信号,能进行可变参数的实时求解并显示三维动画,为虚拟试验提供了基于PLC的可视化虚拟环境。
  5. Moreover, it makes abstract air pollutant dispersion and influence analysis interactive and spatially visual, and the problems of software integration and practicability in environment information system based on GIS platform and object model are solved.
  6. 并以GIS为应用平台,以对象模型为基础使抽象的大气污染扩散和影响分析具有交互性和空间可视化,较好地解决了环境信息系统中的软件集成和实用性问题。
  7. On the base of analyzing the advantage and disadvantage of Interactive Design technology via Internet, considering the feature of the material object : auto-inner ornament, the author puts forward the Visual Reality environment and Interactive Design system based on Client / Browser.
  8. 在分析现有网络交互设计技术优缺点的墓础上,结合具体对象:汽车内饰件座椅面料的设计特点,提出浏览器/服务器模型下基于网络的汽车内饰拟实环境与交互式设计系统的基本框架结构。


英文缩写词 IVE 的含义,不止“Interactive Visual Environment”一个。




  1. Instant Virtual Extranet 缩写成 “IVE”. 中文意思是:即时虚拟外联网
  2. iShares MSCI Eafe 缩写成 “IVE”. 中文意思是:Ishares摩根士丹利资本国际有限公司


  1. Interface Verification Equipment 缩写成 “IVE”. 中文意思是:接口检查设备
  2. Institute of Vocational Education 缩写成 “IVE”. 中文意思是:职业教育学院


  1. Ifosfamide Vincristine And Etoposide 缩写成 “IVE”. 中文意思是:异环磷酰胺、长春新碱和依托泊苷
  2. IBM VisualAge Embedded 缩写成 “IVE”. 中文意思是:嵌入式IBM VisualAge


  1. Immersed Virtual Environment 缩写成 “IVE”. 中文意思是:沉浸式虚拟环境

