

“Digital Millennium Copyright Act”经常缩写成DMCA,以便快捷书写、使用。



Digital Millennium Copyright Act : 数字千年版权法

Digital Millennium Copyright Act具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:DMCA
  2. 英语全称: Digital Millennium Copyright Act
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:数字千年版权法
  7. 中文拼音:shù zì qiān nián bǎn quán fǎ
  8. 常用领域:社会
  9. 相关:电影审查


  1. In 1998 America adopted the Digital Millennium Copyright Act(DMCA), which criminalised many of the methods used to copy digital content, but also established safe harbours, explicitly protecting intermediaries such as search engines and social networks from prosecution for their users ' actions.
  2. 1998年,美国实施了数字千年版权法(DMCA)案,将许多复制数码内容方式定罪,但同时也制定了一些避风港原则,明确规定中介媒介如搜索引擎和社交网络等不因其用户的行为遭到起诉。
  3. Just think how impressed your colleagues will be when you ask whether they think the Digital Millennium Copyright Act(DMCA)'s anti-circumvention provisions should be repealed.
  4. (只想想看,当您问您的同事,是否认为应该废除数码千禧年版权法(DigitalMillenniumCopyrightAct)的反规避规定时,他们有多大的触动。
  5. In early American judicial practice, the tort liability of Information Service Providers has experienced from strict liability to indirect responsibility, and ultimately established the " Safe Harbor Rules " in the Digital Millennium Copyright Act(DMCA).
  6. 美国早期司法实践中,对于网络服务商的侵权责任经历了从承担严格责任到承担间接责任的演变过程,并最终在《千禧年数字版权法》中确立了信息存储空间服务避风港规则。
  7. Safe Harbor Provision first appeared in Digital Millennium Copyright Act(DMCA) ( DMCA ) of the United States, which provides a certain limitation of damage liability caused by the act of internet service provider ( ISP ) who meets the statutory requirement.
  8. 避风港规则最早出现在美国的《数字千年版权法(DMCA)》(DMCA)中,是指对符合法定条件的网络服务提供商因其行为造成的损害赔偿责任进行一定限制的规则。


英文缩写词 DMCA 的含义,不止“Digital Millennium Copyright Act”一个。




  1. Dairy Mart Convenience Stores Class A (former symbol, now DMCSQ) 缩写成 “DMCA”. 中文意思是:乳品市场便利店A级(原标志,现为DMCSQ)


  1. Digital Millenium Copyright Act 缩写成 “DMCA”. 中文意思是:数字千年版权法案
  2. A Dodgy Media Copying Act 缩写成 “DMCA”. 中文意思是:狡猾的媒体抄袭行为


  1. Dictatorial Measures Constitutional Amendment 缩写成 “DMCA”. 中文意思是:独裁措施宪法修正案
  2. Desperately Misused Consumer Alienator 缩写成 “DMCA”. 中文意思是:极度滥用消费者疏远者

