
“International Field Study”经常缩写成IFSP,以便快捷书写、使用。



International Field Study : 国际实地研究

International Field Study具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:IFSP
  2. 英语全称: International Field Study
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:国际实地研究
  7. 中文拼音:guó jì shí dì yán jiū
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:未分类的


  1. The measures of inflation also become international statisticians and economic field of study of one of the hot issues.
  2. 通货膨胀测度因而也成为国际统计学界和经济学界研究的热点问题之一。
  3. This chapter will begin with an introduction of the meaning and main contents of the market access in the international investment in the field of energy, then conduct a comparative study of some typical countries ' regulation of market access in such investment.
  4. 该部分在对能源领域国际投资准入的含义和主要内容进行介绍后,将选取几个有代表性的国家对能源领域外资准入的规制进行比较研究。
  5. Firstly, the study reviews the literature research in supplier partnerships and conflict of both domestic and international field and makes a discussion, then proposing the idea and content of this study.
  6. 首先,本文对国内外在供应商合作伙伴关系及冲突领域的研究文献进行综述,并做出了相关文献的评述,提出了本研究的思路和内容。
  7. Research on international vertical specialization has expanded the study field of standard trade theory. The object of study has gone deep into intra-product specialization. Furthermore, a new analytic framework has been put forward, which combines industrial organization and contract theory with trade models.
  8. 对国际垂直专业化的研究使标准贸易理论的研究视野由产品间分工扩展到产品内分工,并且,产业组织与契约理论的相关概念被引入贸易模型,形成了新的分析框架。
  9. This thesis starts with international competitiveness theory by Michael Porter and appraisal method by international authorized institution which research in the field of competitiveness. Then, the thesis clarifies the definition of international competitiveness by reviewing and synthesizing study on it by both foreign and domestic researchers.
  10. 本文从波特的国际竞争力理论及国际上关于竞争力研究的权威机构的评价方法出发,综合国内学者对竞争力内涵的研究,对银行国际竞争力的内涵进行了探索性的界定。


英文缩写词 IFSP 的含义,不止“International Field Study”一个。




  1. International Federation of Sports Physiotherapy 缩写成 “IFSP”. 中文意思是:国际体育理疗联合会


  1. Individualized Family Service Plan 缩写成 “IFSP”. 中文意思是:个别化家庭服务计划
  2. Individual Family Service Plan 缩写成 “IFSP”. 中文意思是:个人家庭服务计划
  3. Individualized Family Services Plan 缩写成 “IFSP”. 中文意思是:个性化家庭服务计划
  4. Individual Family Support Plan 缩写成 “IFSP”. 中文意思是:个人家庭支持计划


  1. Integrated Food Security Programme 缩写成 “IFSP”. 中文意思是:综合粮食安全方案
  2. Integrated Food Security Program 缩写成 “IFSP”. 中文意思是:综合粮食安全计划
  3. Individualized Family Service Plans 缩写成 “IFSP”. 中文意思是:个性化家庭服务计划
  4. Integrated Food Security Project 缩写成 “IFSP”. 中文意思是:综合粮食保障项目
  5. Indivudual Family Service Plan 缩写成 “IFSP”. 中文意思是:IndivuDual家庭服务计划
  6. Individual and Family Support Program 缩写成 “IFSP”. 中文意思是:个人和家庭支持计划
  7. Individualized Family Support Plan 缩写成 “IFSP”. 中文意思是:个性化家庭支持计划


  1. Initial Future Service Plan 缩写成 “IFSP”. 中文意思是:初步未来服务计划

