
“Face of Yesterday”经常缩写成FOY,以便快捷书写、使用。



Face of Yesterday : 昨天的脸

Face of Yesterday具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:FOY
  2. 英语全称: Face of Yesterday
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:昨天的脸
  7. 中文拼音:zuó tiān de liǎn
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:未分类的


  1. The heart-throb singer bizarrely chose to wear a rubber face mask of himself when he jetted home from New York yesterday to find photographers waiting to snap the real Robbie.
  2. 昨天,当罗比·威廉姆斯从纽约乘飞机回国时,为了躲避摄影者的拍摄,居然戴着一个他自己模样的橡胶面具出现在抵达机场。
  3. All 37,000 employees at the Sindelfingen plant, which makes Mercedes-Benz limousines, will not face any forced redundancies until the end of 2019, Daimler said yesterday.
  4. 戴姆勒昨日表示,直到2019年底,辛德芬根(Sindelfingen)工厂的3.7万名员工都不会遭到强迫裁员。该工厂出产梅赛德斯-奔驰豪华轿车。
  5. The aviation industry will not be able to " survive in its current form " in the face of surging jet fuel prices, the chairman of Cathay Pacific warned yesterday, echoing recent comments made by other airline executives.
  6. 香港国泰航空(cathaypacific)主席白纪图(christopherpratt)昨日警告称,面对不断飙升的燃油价格,航空业将无法“以目前的形式生存下来”,此番言论与其他航空业高管近期的看法一致。
  7. Countries that import natural resources, led by China and India, face further inflationary pressures after the cost of shipping basic commodities such as iron ore, coal or grains surged yesterday to its highest ever level.
  8. 铁矿石、煤炭和谷物等基本大宗商品的船运成本昨日大幅攀升,以中国和印度为首的进口自然资源的国家将面临更大的通胀压力。
  9. Brokers who allowed high - frequency traders to have access to the markets without undertaking proper checks on them face potential fines as part of a clampdown following the " flash crash ", the head of a US watchdog said yesterday.
  10. 美国某监管机构负责人昨日表示,作为“闪电暴跌”后整治行动的一部分,未进行适当核查就允许高频交易者进入市场的经纪商将面临潜在罚款。


英文缩写词 FOY 的含义,不止“Face of Yesterday”一个。




  1. Foya, Liberia 缩写成 “FOY”. 中文意思是:Foya,利比里亚


  1. Follow-On Year 缩写成 “FOY”. 中文意思是:后续年


  1. Friends Of Yosemite 缩写成 “FOY”. 中文意思是:约塞米蒂之友
  2. Fountain of Youth 缩写成 “FOY”. 中文意思是:青春之泉


  1. Farmer Of Yore 缩写成 “FOY”. 中文意思是:昔日农民
  2. First of the Year 缩写成 “FOY”. 中文意思是:第一年
  3. First of Year 缩写成 “FOY”. 中文意思是:年度第一
  4. Fully Oriented Yarn 缩写成 “FOY”. 中文意思是:全取向纱
  5. Fish of the Year 缩写成 “FOY”. 中文意思是:年度最佳鱼类

