
“First College Year”经常缩写成FCY,以便快捷书写、使用。



First College Year : 第一学年

First College Year具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:FCY
  2. 英语全称: First College Year
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:第一学年
  7. 中文拼音:dì yī xué nián
  8. 常用领域:学术科学
  9. 相关:学院


  1. There were no significant differences of autonomy level in the first three years of college, but the senior year appeared a slight reduction.
  2. 大一、大二、大三的自主水平无显著差异,大四稍有下降。
  3. But the first NHS hospital to become virtually paperless-University College Hospital in central London-will complete its transformation next year.
  4. 不过,伦敦中心区的大学学院医院(UniversityCollegeHospital)将在明年完成数字化转变,成为全民医疗系统中首家真正实现数字化的医院。
  5. Ann : My first college entrance exam score was so low that I had to study at a cram school for a year and retake it.
  6. 安:我第一次大学联考成绩差到我还得去补习班补习一年,来年重考。
  7. First, the students who have failed the college entrance exams and are studying hard to pass the exams in the next year.
  8. 第一种是那些高考落榜的学生,他们为了在第二年考上大学而进校努力补习。
  9. RESULT Out of all the case first time to the psychiatry clinic during this year, the college students are about 2.7 %, the average visiting times in 4 during the year.
  10. 结果大学生占全年精神科门诊首诊例数的2.7%.平均就诊次数为4次;


英文缩写词 FCY 的含义,不止“First College Year”一个。




  1. Furon Company 缩写成 “FCY”. 中文意思是:富隆公司


  1. Forrest City, Arkansas USA 缩写成 “FCY”. 中文意思是:美国阿肯色州福雷斯特城
  2. Forsyth County YMCA 缩写成 “FCY”. 中文意思是:福赛斯县基督教青年会


  1. Full Course Yellow 缩写成 “FCY”. 中文意思是:全程黄色

