
“Office of the Future”经常缩写成OOTF,以便快捷书写、使用。



Office of the Future : 未来办公室

Office of the Future具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:OOTF
  2. 英语全称: Office of the Future
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:未来办公室
  7. 中文拼音:wèi lái bàn gōng shì
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:未分类的


  1. Microsoft has unveiled its vision of what the home and office of the future will look like - and there are giant screens everywhere.
  2. 微软展示了未来家庭和办公室的愿景,四处都是大屏幕。
  3. Last week a radio journalist phoned up to ask whether I would go on his show to say that the Olympics would prove the wonders of flexible working, establishing beyond doubt that the office of the future is at home.
  4. 最近,一位电台记者打电话问我能否参加他的一个节目,跟听众们说,奥运会将证明弹性工作的奇妙之处,在家办公才是未来的趋势。
  5. After the completion of the activity, the organizer will announce all the errors found in campus and provide Office of General Affairs for the future modifications.
  6. 活动结束后,主办单位将公布所有建议修正文字,并提供总务处未来修正参考。
  7. In this paper, the current situations of construction of government information in General Office of Yunnan Province are introduced, the future target and tasks of E-government in Yunnan Province are discussed, and some suggestions connecting with the further construction of state E-government are advanced.
  8. 文章介绍了近年来云南省政务信息化的建设情况,对今后云南省政府办公厅电子政务的建设目标和任务进行了讨论,并对国家电子政务建设提出了若干建议,指出了当前出现的突出问题。
  9. IV In the form of materialization, this thesis attempts to predict the form of office work in the future by taking a look at the new office equipment and the development trend of the future organization.
  10. 第四阶段是从组织发展的趋势和正在发展着的科技动态去窥视未来人类办公的形态,并以物化的形式阐述作者对未来办公形态的认识和想象。


英文缩写词 OOTF 的含义,不止“Office of the Future”一个。




  1. Officials on the Field 缩写成 “OOTF”. 中文意思是:现场官员


  1. Office of the Future (UNC) 缩写成 “OOTF”. 中文意思是:未来办公室 (UNC)


  1. Ohio Olmstead Task Force 缩写成 “OOTF”. 中文意思是:俄亥俄州奥尔姆斯特德工作队


  1. Order of the Force 缩写成 “OOTF”. 中文意思是:力的顺序
  2. Out Of Town Friend 缩写成 “OOTF”. 中文意思是:外地朋友
  3. Out Of The Furnace 缩写成 “OOTF”. 中文意思是:出炉
  4. Operation Off the Fence 缩写成 “OOTF”. 中文意思是:围栏外作业

