
“Innovative Knowledge Development”经常缩写成IKD,以便快捷书写、使用。



Innovative Knowledge Development : 创新知识开发

Innovative Knowledge Development具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:IKD
  2. 英语全称: Innovative Knowledge Development
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:创新知识开发
  7. 中文拼音:chuàng xīn zhī shi kāi fā
  8. 常用领域:社会
  9. 相关:发展


  1. Nowadays the knowledge economic society comes. Facing the opportunities and challenges, the people with innovative knowledge and innovative mentality can adapt to the development of society.
  2. 如今已经进入到一个知识经济的社会,面对机遇和挑战,有创新知识和创新意识的人才能够适应这个社会的发展。
  3. The innovative process of knowledge intensive services resembles hi-tech manufacturing, and the development of knowledge intensive services can intensify national innovation system.
  4. 知识服务业的创新过程与高科技制造业相似,发展知识服务业可以强化创新系统。
  5. Its theory consists of the establishment of the innovative sense of college students, the preparation for the innovative knowledge, the study of the methods of innovation and the development of the ability of innovation and the formation of the innovation personality.
  6. 其理论框架构建包括:大学生创新观念的确立、创新知识的准备、创新方法的学习、创新能力的培养和创新人格的塑造;
  7. It is found that innovative ability based on knowledge acquisition is strongly related to regional economic development level, regional technologic development, regional degree of opening, regional higher education level and regional internet basis platform construction. 3.
  8. 相关分析发现基于知识获取的区域创新能力与区域经济发展水平、区域科技水平、区域对外开放度、区域高等教育水平,区域网络基础平台建设水平显著相关。
  9. The high-tech industry based on high-tech is a kind of innovative technology industry has high-intensity knowledge and technology, which is important for increasing the economy and social development.
  10. 而以高技术为基础的高技术产业是知识和技术密集度高的创新性技术产业,对促进经济和社会发展具有特别重要的作用。


英文缩写词 IKD 的含义,不止“Innovative Knowledge Development”一个。




  1. International Karate Daigaku 缩写成 “IKD”. 中文意思是:国际空手道大观


  1. Innovation Knowledge and Development 缩写成 “IKD”. 中文意思是:创新知识与发展


  1. Institut Kajian Dasar 缩写成 “IKD”. 中文意思是:卡健达萨研究所
  2. Iran Khodro Diesel 缩写成 “IKD”. 中文意思是:伊朗khodro柴油机
  3. Integrated Kernel Debugging 缩写成 “IKD”. 中文意思是:集成内核调试
  4. Integrated Knowledge Dynamics 缩写成 “IKD”. 中文意思是:综合知识动态

