
“College of Education and Social”经常缩写成CESS,以便快捷书写、使用。



College of Education and Social : 教育与社会学院

College of Education and Social具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:CESS
  2. 英语全称: College of Education and Social
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:教育与社会学院
  7. 中文拼音:jiào yù yǔ shè huì xué yuàn
  8. 常用领域:学术科学
  9. 相关:学院


  1. The ecology of employment refers to the ecological system of mutual contradiction or coordination formed by the employment expectation of college graduates, the fostering expectation of higher education and the degree of social need for talents.
  2. 就业生态指大学毕业生的就业期待、高等教育的培养预期与社会对人才的需求程度所构成的相互矛盾或协调的生态系统。
  3. Independent college, which adopts private mechanism, is an effective integration form of quality education resources and social fund.
  4. 独立学院是采用民营机制,实现了优质的高等教育资源和社会资金整合的一种有效形式。
  5. Therefore, the employment impact of factors that affect college students, and propose a strategy for easing the employment of college students and higher education for sustainable development and social stability has a very important role.
  6. 因此分析影响大学生的就业影响因素,并探寻相应的策略,对于缓解大学生的就业问题,保持高等教育的可持续发展和社会的稳定都有非常重要的意义。
  7. The fourth chapter put forward countermeasures of strengthening college students ' sense of responsibility from three aspects : the education of himself / herself and his / her family, the social environment and the moral education of colleges and universities.
  8. 第四章从家庭和自我教育方面、社会环境和高校德育工作三个方面提出了增强大学生道德责任意识的对策。
  9. Regarding high-lighting problems during basic computer knowledge teaching in college, we will explain and solve problems in multi-view of fitting for quality education, multi-layer education and harmonious eduction based on social practice combining with my teaching experience.
  10. 针对高职院校计算机基础课教学面临的突出问题,结合教学心得,立足社会实际,从适应素质教育、多层次教育、和谐教育的多种视角诠释并解决问题。


英文缩写词 CESS 的含义,不止“College of Education and Social”一个。




  1. Centre for European Security Strategies 缩写成 “CESS”. 中文意思是:欧洲安全战略中心


  1. Central Eurasian Studies Society 缩写成 “CESS”. 中文意思是:中央欧亚研究会
  2. Centre for European Security Studies 缩写成 “CESS”. 中文意思是:欧洲安全研究中心
  3. Center for Experimental Social Science 缩写成 “CESS”. 中文意思是:实验社会科学中心
  4. Centre for Experimental Social Sciences 缩写成 “CESS”. 中文意思是:社会科学实验中心
  5. College of Education and Social Services 缩写成 “CESS”. 中文意思是:教育和社会服务学院
  6. Centre for Earth Science Studies 缩写成 “CESS”. 中文意思是:地球科学研究中心
  7. Centre for Experimental Social Science 缩写成 “CESS”. 中文意思是:实验社会科学中心
  8. Civil Engineering Students Society 缩写成 “CESS”. 中文意思是:土木工程学生会


  1. Civilian End Strength Study 缩写成 “CESS”. 中文意思是:民用端强度研究


  1. Centre for Economic and Social Studies 缩写成 “CESS”. 中文意思是:经济和社会研究中心
  2. Centre dexpertise en sante de Sherbrooke 缩写成 “CESS”. 中文意思是:舍布鲁克健康专业中心


  1. Computer Equipment Software Services 缩写成 “CESS”. 中文意思是:计算机设备软件服务

