“Flow – Pay”经常缩写成FLOWPAY,以便快捷书写、使用。



Flow – Pay : 流动支付

Flow – Pay具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:FLOWPAY
  2. 英语全称: Flow – Pay
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:流动支付
  7. 中文拼音:liú dòng zhī fù
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:未分类的


  1. In this paper, performance evaluation, the system inefficient regulatory perspective of corporate governance and improve investment and cash flow to pay by adding items to test its indirect inhibition; Fourth, the sample data more timely and practical.
  2. 本文从绩效考核、制度监管角度探讨企业非效率投资的治理和改善,并加入自由现金流交乘项,检验其间接抑制作用;第四,样本数据更具时效性和实用性。
  3. Based on the lattice model of traffic flow, the lattice models which consider the next-nearest-neighbour flow on traffic and pay attention to the following vehicle as well as the preceding vehicle are presented, respectively.
  4. 在一维交通流格子模型的基础上,分别提出考虑最近邻车和次近邻车以及考虑前、后近邻车相互作用进行车流优化的一维交通流格子模型。
  5. The stress of cash flow may let the banks pay higher attention to and even get involved in enterprise management in the capacity of loaners, thereby urging state-owned enterprises to improve management.
  6. 对现金流量的关注,可以使银行以债权人的身份,更多地关注甚至介入企业的管理,进而促使国有企业改善经营管理。
  7. Five principles refer to : focused on the customers ' satisfaction, full and effective flow of clear process, pay attention to the relevance and continuity of the process, down authorization and responsibilities to individuals.
  8. 五项原则是指以客户满意为中心、流程有效完整清晰、注重流程的关联性和连续性、向下授权和责任落实到个人等原则。
  9. New product and project analysis, include cash flow, investment, margin and pay back analysis.
  10. 新产品及项目分析,包括其现金流量,固定资产投资,产品利润及回报期等分析。


英文缩写词 FLOWPAY 的含义,不止“Flow – Pay”一个。




  1. flow/ pay 缩写成 “FLOWPAY”. 中文意思是:流动/支付

