
“Emotion Regulation Questionnaire”经常缩写成ERQ,以便快捷书写、使用。



Emotion Regulation Questionnaire : 情绪调节问卷

Emotion Regulation Questionnaire具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:ERQ
  2. 英语全称: Emotion Regulation Questionnaire
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:情绪调节问卷
  7. 中文拼音:qíng xù tiáo jié wèn juàn
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:未分类的


  1. Methods 398 college students were tested with General Health Questionnaire, GHQ-20 and Emotion Regulation Questionnaire(ERQ).
  2. 方法选用一般健康问卷和情绪调节问卷(ERQ),对398名大学生进行调查。
  3. The results showed that the revised emotion regulation questionnaire retained all items of the original questionnaire, was also divided into two dimensions of cognitive reappraisal and expression suppression.
  4. 结果表明,修订的情绪调节问卷(ERQ)保留了原问卷所有的项目,分为认知重评和表达抑制两个维度,具有良好的信效度,适用于中国大学生群体。
  5. Secondly, study the structure of the teacher's ability of emotion regulation in classroom. 1 developed a Questionnaire for Teacher's Ability of Classroom Emotion Regulation based on the ideas of emotion regulation teaching design, previous research conclusions.
  6. 研究二:基于情绪调节教学设计的理念和有关利用情绪促进教学的研究成果探讨教师课堂情绪调节能力的结构。
  7. Expression identification task and emotional perspective-taking task were used to assess children's understanding of emotion, and their regulation of emotion was surveyed by teacher-rated coping strategies questionnaire.
  8. 采用表情识别任务、情绪观点采择任务测查幼儿的情绪理解能力,采用教师评定问卷测查幼儿的情绪调节策略,使用照片社会评价法测查幼儿被同伴接纳的程度。
  9. And the resolution is : 1. 《 Senior students ' emotion regulation self-efficacy scale 》 includes three factors : Emotional expression self-efficacy, Emotional control self-efficacy and Emotional recovery self-efficacy. The reliability and validity of questionnaire are acceptable. 2.
  10. 最后得出如下结论:1.《高中生情绪调节效能感问卷》要由情绪表达效能感、情绪控制效能感和情绪恢复效能感三个因素组成,问卷信效度均可以接受。


英文缩写词 ERQ 的含义,不止“Emotion Regulation Questionnaire”一个。




  1. Employer’s Requirements 缩写成 “ERQ”. 中文意思是:业主要求


  1. European Relocation Qualification 缩写成 “ERQ”. 中文意思是:欧洲移民资格


  1. Educational Research Quarterly 缩写成 “ERQ”. 中文意思是:教育研究季刊


  1. Exercise Readiness Questionnaire 缩写成 “ERQ”. 中文意思是:运动准备问卷
  2. Entity Relationship Query 缩写成 “ERQ”. 中文意思是:实体关系查询
  3. Easy RACF Query 缩写成 “ERQ”. 中文意思是:简单的RACF查询

