
“Quality of Government”经常缩写成QOG,以便快捷书写、使用。



Quality of Government : 政府质量

Quality of Government具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:QOG
  2. 英语全称: Quality of Government
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:政府质量
  7. 中文拼音:zhèng fǔ zhì liàng
  8. 常用领域:机构
  9. 相关:


  1. Building the government good at learning is a rebuilding process of a governmental organization and also a rebuilding process of the quality of government leaders.
  2. 建设学习型政府,就是一次政府组织的再造过程,也是对政府领导者素质的再造过程。
  3. The moral qualities of public officials influence and even decide to a great extent the whole quality of government public official rank.
  4. 公务员具备什么样的人格特征,在很大程度上影响和决定着国家公务员队伍的整体素质。
  5. Then not expansion but rather austerity to restore confidence in the safety and quality of government liabilities is the best a government can do to attempt to relieve depression that and cry for help from outside.
  6. 为恢复人们对政府债务安全性和质量的信心而实施的紧缩(而非扩张)政策,是政府为减轻衰退能够做出的最佳努力同时请求外部的援助。
  7. The quality of government spending still matters.
  8. 政府支出的质量仍然很重要。
  9. Correspondingly, just six factors explain 80 per cent of the variation in reported happiness : divorce, unemployment, the level of trust in other members of society, membership of non-religious organisations, the quality of government, and belief in God.
  10. 相应地,只需要6个因素就可以解释80%的幸福差异:离婚、失业、对社会中其它成员的信任度、非宗教组织成员、政府质量(QOG)和对上帝的信仰。


英文缩写词 QOG 的含义,不止“Quality of Government”一个。




  1. Quality Of Goods 缩写成 “QOG”. 中文意思是:货物质量


  1. Homburg, Germany 缩写成 “QOG”. 中文意思是:德国霍姆堡


  1. Quasi-Optical Grill 缩写成 “QOG”. 中文意思是:准光学格栅
  2. Quantum Optics Group 缩写成 “QOG”. 中文意思是:量子光学组


  1. Quality of Growth 缩写成 “QOG”. 中文意思是:生长质量
  2. Quasi-Optical Gyrotron 缩写成 “QOG”. 中文意思是:准光学回旋管

