“IU – Can”经常缩写成IUCAN,以便快捷书写、使用。
IU – Can具体释义
- 英文缩写:IUCAN
- 英语全称: IU – Can
- 英语发音:
- 美式英语发音:
- 英式英语发音:
- 中文意思:IU——可以
- 中文拼音:
- 常用领域:综合
- 相关:未分类的
- The main control unit can regulate the control action of PU and ACU. Furthermore the optimum unit ( PU ) and identification unit ( IU ) can optimized the real-time control parameters. Thus, the control performance of NOIC is improved.
- 主控单元调节或协调提呈单元和控制抗体单元的控制作用,优化单元和辨识单元优化实时控制参数,从而提高NOIC的控制性能。
- It was concluded that supplementation of FSH and LH, each at 1 IU / mL, can mostly improved the maturation rate.
- 添加FSH与LH浓度均为1IU/mL可得到最佳的成熟效果。
- Daily supplement of 200 IU of vitamin D can keep the satisfactory calcium balance, but the dosage increasing to 1000 IU per day will result the increasing of calcium excretion.
- 但是每天经静脉补充维生素D1000国际单位,则可导致尿钙排出增加,呈现较深的负钙平衡。作者认为,经静脉补充大剂量维生素D,,有直接导致骨代谢障碍的可能。
- Conclusion : Small dosage of rhGH ( 4 IU / week ) for 12 weeks can effectively treat male climacteric syndrome. The value of IGF-1 was parallel with the treatment effects.
- 结论:应用rhGH每周4IU,12周为1个疗程能有效治疗男性更年期综合征,IGF-1与治疗效果是平行的。
- This Program adopts adjustment method by parameters, is written in BASIC language, is made use of iu IBM-PC / XT microsize computers, and can compute various kinds of adjustment in trilateration nets. The program adopts data sentences, inputed once and for all.
- 本程序采用参数平差法,用BASIC语言编制,用于IBM-PC/XT微机,能进行各种类型的三边网平差计算,程序采用置数语句,一次性输入。
英文缩写词 IUCAN 的含义,不止“IU – Can”一个。
- IU / Can 缩写成 “IUCAN”. 中文意思是:国际单位/加拿大
- IU/ Can 缩写成 “IUCAN”. 中文意思是:国际单位/加拿大