“The Following Are Equivalent”经常缩写成TFAE,以便快捷书写、使用。
The Following Are Equivalent具体释义
- 英文缩写:TFAE
- 英语全称: The Following Are Equivalent
- 英语发音:
- 美式英语发音:
- 英式英语发音:
- 中文意思:以下是等效的
- 中文拼音:yǐ xià shì děng xiào de
- 常用领域:综合
- 相关:未分类的
- The following are equivalent : ( I ) ker ρ is a completely meet irreducible ideal.
- 下列条件等价:(ⅰ)kerρ是完全交不可约理想。
- Our purpose is to study complete distributivity of the lattice of congruences on a semigroup and prove the result : For a semigroup S the following are equivalent;
- 本文研究半群上同余备格的完全分配性。证明了如下结果:设S是一个半群,C(S)是S上的同余备格,以下条件彼此等价:(1)。
- The following commands are equivalent.
- 下列命令是等价项。
- The following assertions are equivalent.
- 下列结论是等价的。
- The similar N-rings are defined. Some fundamental properties are given. It is shown that for a similar N-ring R, the following conditions are equivalent : ( 1 ) R is a strongly regular ring;
- 定义了类N-环,给出了类N-环的一些描述及基本性质,并且给出了对于类N-环R,如下条件等价:(1)R是强正则环;
英文缩写词 TFAE 的含义,不止“The Following Are Equivalent”一个。
- tal Fatty Acid Esterification 缩写成 “TFAE”. 中文意思是:塔尔脂肪酸酯化