
“A Year in Europe”经常缩写成AYIE,以便快捷书写、使用。



A Year in Europe : 在欧洲呆一年

A Year in Europe具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:AYIE
  2. 英语全称: A Year in Europe
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:在欧洲呆一年
  7. 中文拼音:zài ōu zhōu dāi yī nián
  8. 常用领域:地域
  9. 相关:欧洲


  1. For most, the choice is two-year study in the US versus a year in Europe.
  2. 对于大多数人而言,他们的选项是美国的两年制课程和欧洲的一年制课程。
  3. Gery bruederlin, group head of human resources at UBS, says its private bankers have grown in number by about 20 per cent a year in Europe, excluding the mature Swiss market, and by about 30 per cent in Asia.
  4. 瑞银人力资源部负责人格里布吕德林(gerybruederlin)表示,除了成熟的瑞士市场以外,瑞银在欧洲的私人银行家数量以每年20%左右的速度增长,在亚洲的增速大约为30%。
  5. Of course it is difficult to get accurate data but, to put the issue into perspective, I have found that, in a year of working in Eastern Europe, I discover fresh zoos on almost a weekly basis.
  6. 当然获得准确的数据是很困难的,但是带着这个问题去观察,我发现在一年的西欧工作中,基本上我一个星期就会发现一家新的动物园。
  7. Equity has a long-held role as a deal currency, but after a record year, particularly in Europe, bond bankers are ready to expound the virtues of the debt markets.
  8. 股票长期扮演着交易货币的角色,但经历了创纪录的一年之后,债券银行家们已准备好大肆宣扬债券市场的优点,尤其是在欧洲。
  9. The first was the Amazon Kindle, which has been available in the US for a year but still not in Europe ( although you can use one if you jump through a few technological hoops ).
  10. 第一种是亚马逊(amazon)的kindle阅读器,其下载服务在美国推出已有一年,但在欧洲尚未推出(虽然在跳过几个技术障碍后你也能够使用)。

