
“From The Front Row”经常缩写成FTFR,以便快捷书写、使用。



From The Front Row : 从前排开始

From The Front Row具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:FTFR
  2. 英语全称: From The Front Row
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:从前排开始
  7. 中文拼音:cóng qián pái kāi shǐ
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:未分类的


  1. HH : Obviously, mom and dad are turning around from the front row to face the kids.
  2. 霍尔格o赫特森拉伯:在这张图片中,父母显然是从前排座位上转过身子,面对着后排座位上的孩子。
  3. Relax, you have as much right to the show unfolding as we do, AND from the front row.
  4. 放松下来,你有足够的权利像我们一样观看这即将展现的演出,而且还是从前排观看。
  5. Mr. Jiang then turned to officials from the national film bureau who were sitting in a front row.
  6. 然后姜文把头转向了坐在前排的电影局官员。
  7. Yueqing, as the new rural cooperative medical first pilot areas, from the time and scope of implementation are to leave in the national front row, their experience and the lesson is very typical and research value.
  8. 乐清市作为全国新型农村合作医疗的首批试点地区,从实施的时间和范围上都走在了全国的前列,其经验和教训非常具有代表性和研究价值。
  9. AIS is starts in last century 90's from North America and Western Europe's some countries to emerge and to develop, these countries also is continuously walks in the AIS application in the front row, the technology standard unceasingly renews.
  10. AIS是在上个世纪90年代从北美和西欧的一些国家开始兴起和开发的,在AIS的应用中这些国家也是一直走在前列的,技术规范不断更新。


英文缩写词 FTFR 的含义,不止“From The Front Row”一个。




  1. Futures Task Force Report 缩写成 “FTFR”. 中文意思是:期货工作组报告


  1. Faculty Tenure, Freedom, and Responsibility 缩写成 “FTFR”. 中文意思是:教师任期、自由和责任


  1. First Thoughts, Fewer Rules 缩写成 “FTFR”. 中文意思是:第一个想法,更少的规则


  1. First Time Fix Rate 缩写成 “FTFR”. 中文意思是:首次固定利率


  1. Fault-Tolerant Fibonacci Routing 缩写成 “FTFR”. 中文意思是:容错斐波那契路由
  2. First-Time Fix Rate 缩写成 “FTFR”. 中文意思是:首次固定利率

