“Industrial Wireless Sensor Network”经常缩写成IWSN,以便快捷书写、使用。
Industrial Wireless Sensor Network具体释义
- 英文缩写:IWSN
- 英语全称: Industrial Wireless Sensor Network
- 英语发音:
- 美式英语发音:
- 英式英语发音:
- 中文意思:工业无线传感器网络
- 中文拼音:gōng yè wú xiàn chuán gǎn qì wǎng luò
- 常用领域:综合
- 相关:未分类的
- It is the use of industrial wireless technology for industrial wireless sensor network, which aimed at realizing industrial on-site data collection and wireless transmission one-stop service.
- 工业无线传感器网络(IWSN)正是利用工业无线技术实现的旨在工业现场实现数据采集无线传输一站式服务的短距离工业监测网络。
- In the application field of industrial control, Wireless Sensor Network has obvious ascendancy over traditional wired sensors.
- 在工业监控领域应用无线传感器网络的手段具有传统的有线传感器手段无法比拟的优势。
- This paper achieves the communication between the industrial controlling configuration software and the wireless sensor network through GPRS, which provides the theoretical basis of remote industrial monitoring.
- 本文解决了工控组态软件和无线传感网络之间的通讯问题,为工业远程监测控制提供了重要的理论依据。
- In this paper, according to some problem appear in the process of developing citric acid fermentation in Niran ( Thailand ) co., ltd, develop industrial remote control system based on wireless sensor network.
- 本文结合泰国柠檬酸发酵系统研发过程中产生的问题,开发一套基于无线传感器网的工业远程控制系统。
- Industrial wireless technology, as instantiations of wireless sensor network technology in the industrial field application, is a newly emerging wireless communication technology for managing the short-range, low-rate information interactions among devices.
- 工业无线技术是一种面向设备间短程、低速率信息交互的无线通信技术,是无线传感器网络技术在工业领域应用的实例化。
英文缩写词 IWSN 的含义,不止“Industrial Wireless Sensor Network”一个。
- I Want Sex Now 缩写成 “IWSN”. 中文意思是:我现在想做爱
- Injured Workers Support Network 缩写成 “IWSN”. 中文意思是:受伤工人支持网络
- Iranian Workers Solidarity Network 缩写成 “IWSN”. 中文意思是:伊朗工人团结网络
- Islamic World Science Net 缩写成 “IWSN”. 中文意思是:伊斯兰世界科学网
- Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks 缩写成 “IWSN”. 中文意思是:工业无线传感器网络