
“General Agreement on Trade in Services”经常缩写成GATS,以便快捷书写、使用。



General Agreement on Trade in Services : 服务贸易总协定

General Agreement on Trade in Services具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:GATS
  2. 英语全称: General Agreement on Trade in Services
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:服务贸易总协定
  7. 中文拼音:fú wù mào yì zǒng xié dìng
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:未分类的


  1. But the amended GATT lives with the new General Agreement on Trade in Services(GATS) and Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights.
  2. 但是经过修订的关贸总协定与服务贸易总协定(GATS)及贸易有关的知识产权协定一起继续存在。
  3. The US could argue that Beijing's censorship in effect discriminated against foreign services such as Google, contrary to its commitments under the General Agreement on Trade in Services(GATS) ( Gats ).
  4. 美方可以主张,北京方面的审查,实际上是在歧视谷歌这样的国外服务,这与中国在《服务贸易总协定(GATS)》(Gats)中的承诺相悖。
  5. Decision on certain dispute settlement procedures for the general agreement on trade in services
  6. 关于《服务贸易总协定(GATS)》部分争端解决程序的决定
  7. The Council for Trade in Services shall oversee the functioning of the General Agreement on Trade in Services(GATS) ( hereinafter referred to as " GATS ").
  8. 服务贸易理事会应监督《服务贸易总协定(GATS)》(下称“GATS”)的实施情况。
  9. ANNEX 1B : General Agreement on Trade in Services(GATS) and Annexes
  10. 附件1B服务贸易总协定(GATS)及附件


英文缩写词 GATS 的含义,不止“General Agreement on Trade in Services”一个。




  1. General Agreement on Trade in Services (of the WTO) 缩写成 “GATS”. 中文意思是:(世贸组织)服务贸易总协定


  1. General Agrement On Tarifs And Services 缩写成 “GATS”. 中文意思是:塔里夫和服务总协定
  2. General Agreement on Tariffs and Services 缩写成 “GATS”. 中文意思是:关税和服务总协定
  3. General Agrement On Tariffs And Services 缩写成 “GATS”. 中文意思是:关税和服务总协定


  1. Tessalit, Mali 缩写成 “GATS”. 中文意思是:马里泰萨利特


  1. Gifted and Talented Students 缩写成 “GATS”. 中文意思是:才华横溢的学生


  1. GPS-Aided Targeting System 缩写成 “GATS”. 中文意思是:装有全球定位系统的瞄准系统
  2. Government Accountability for Tobacco Smoking 缩写成 “GATS”. 中文意思是:政府对吸烟的责任


  1. General Agreement For Trade And Services 缩写成 “GATS”. 中文意思是:贸易和服务总协定
  2. Gavilanes And Three Sons 缩写成 “GATS”. 中文意思是:加维兰人和三个儿子
  3. Global Adult Tobacco Survey 缩写成 “GATS”. 中文意思是:全球成人烟草调查
  4. Great American Trucking Show 缩写成 “GATS”. 中文意思是:伟大的美国卡车展
  5. Generation Attribute Tracking System 缩写成 “GATS”. 中文意思是:生成属性跟踪系统
  6. Global Agricultural Trade System 缩写成 “GATS”. 中文意思是:全球农业贸易体系
  7. Graffiti Against the System 缩写成 “GATS”. 中文意思是:系统上的涂鸦
  8. General Agreement of Trade in Services 缩写成 “GATS”. 中文意思是:服务贸易总协定
  9. Global Aerospace Training Systems 缩写成 “GATS”. 中文意思是:全球航空航天训练系统

