
“Digital Radio Frequency Memory”经常缩写成DRFM,以便快捷书写、使用。



Digital Radio Frequency Memory : 数字无线电频率存储器

Digital Radio Frequency Memory具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:DRFM
  2. 英语全称: Digital Radio Frequency Memory
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:数字无线电频率存储器
  7. 中文拼音:shù zì wú xiàn diàn pín lǜ cún chǔ qì
  8. 常用领域:学术科学
  9. 相关:电子


  1. An operational principle of jamming of interrupted-sampling and direct repeater based on digital radio frequency memory was introduced, and its jamming effectiveness was analyzed.
  2. 以对线性调频脉冲压缩雷达进行干扰为背景,介绍了间歇采样直接转发干扰的原理与干扰效果。
  3. Digital Radio Frequency Memory(DRFM) ( DRFM ) has been an important subsystem of new generation Electronic War System.
  4. 基于数字射频存储器(DRFM)的引信干扰机不仅大大提高了新一代电子对抗设备的能力,同时增加了系统的灵活性和再编程能力。
  5. It presents the hardware circuit of simulator based on the technology of digital radio frequency memory, and researches the design and implementation of the high-speed digital circuit and radio frequency circuit respectively.
  6. 论文给出了基于数字射频存储技术的模拟器硬件电路,并对其中的高速数字电路单元和射频单元进行了设计与分析。
  7. With the development of radar technology, electronic countermeasure systems demand the multi-bit digital radio frequency memory.
  8. 雷达技术的进步,对多比特相位量化数字射频存贮提出要求。
  9. Digital Radio Frequency Memory(DRFM) ( DRFM ) is a kind of microwave signal storage system, which can sample and store an incident RF signal, and then reconstitute the signal upon command from the controller.
  10. 数字射频存储器(DRFM)是一种微波信号存储系统,它能够对输入的射频(RF)信号进行采样和存储,并根据控制指令进行信号重构。

