“Youth Work Methods”经常缩写成YWM,以便快捷书写、使用。
Youth Work Methods具体释义
- 英文缩写:YWM
- 英语全称: Youth Work Methods
- 英语发音:
- 美式英语发音:
- 英式英语发音:
- 中文意思:青年工作方法
- 中文拼音:qīng nián gōng zuò fāng fǎ
- 常用领域:社会
- 相关:青年
- Methods of Ideological-political Education of the youth are the summarization of ideological and work methods of ideological education, political educational goal and moral education of the youth to achieve the education goal.
- 青年思想政治教育方法是教育者为达到一定的教育目的,对青年进行思想教育、政治教育、道德教育过程中的思想方法和工作方法的总和。
- The theme of youth ideological and political work in new era must meet the requirement of the times. The paper expounds the arduousness of youth ideological and ethical work, and presents the methods of innovating youth ideological and political work.
- 分析了新时期青少年思想政治工作的主题要符合时代要求,论述了当前搞好青少年思想道德建设工作的艰巨性,提出了创新青少年思想政治工作的方法。
- This article analyzes the opportunities and challenges which confront college and university's Communist Youth Leagues in an age of knowledge economy and presents their work focus and methods to meet the requirement of the age.
- 本文通过对知识经济时代高校共青团工作所面临的机遇和挑战进行分析,提出了适应时代需要的高校共青团工作的着力点和方法。
- The author believes that the Communist Youth League should seize the opportunity of the development of the community, take service as its starting point in work, make innovations in working methods, and widen a new space for the development of young people in the community.
- 共青团应抓住社区建设发展的机遇,以服务为立足点和出发点,参与社区建设,拓宽新的发展空间。要创新共青团工作的方式方法,建立社团机制,加强人际互动。
英文缩写词 YWM 的含义,不止“Youth Work Methods”一个。
- Williams Harbour Airport, Williams Harbour, Newfoundland, Canada 缩写成 “YWM”. 中文意思是:加拿大纽芬兰威廉斯港威廉斯港机场
- Young Women and Mathematics 缩写成 “YWM”. 中文意思是:青年妇女与数学
- Yayasan Waqaf Malaysia 缩写成 “YWM”. 中文意思是:马来西亚宗教基金基金会
- Yoga with Meditation 缩写成 “YWM”. 中文意思是:冥想瑜伽
- Your Weight Matters 缩写成 “YWM”. 中文意思是:你的体重很重要