“Eyes of the Day”经常缩写成EOTD,以便快捷书写、使用。
Eyes of the Day具体释义
- 英文缩写:EOTD
- 英语全称: Eyes of the Day
- 英语发音:
- 美式英语发音:
- 英式英语发音:
- 中文意思:白天的眼睛
- 中文拼音:bái tiān de yǎn jing
- 常用领域:综合
- 相关:未分类的
- After skill levels, and a friend opened the eyes of the day.
- 掌握了一定技巧之后,朋友打开了天目。
- But even the piercing eyes of the owl to the day, in the eye rod cell has lost its power, became the authentic illiterate.
- 但就是这火眼金睛的猫头鹰到了白天,眼睛里的视杆细胞却失去了威力,成了地道的睁眼瞎。
- The eyes of owl can see in the evening but it is blind in day;
- 猫头鹰的眼睛能在夜里看见东西,可是白天就没那么管用;
- Thus Iproceeded, while with the eyes of a man already dead, I contemplated the fluctuations of the day which would probably be my last, and watched the diffuse coming of night.
- 我就是那样做的,我把自己当成已经死去的人,冷眼观看那一天,也许是最后一天的逝去和夜晚的降临。
- But in my eyes and those of the other people who had been in that room that day, Clara never again looked like the mere wreck of a woman.
- 但是在我和其他那些听她讲述过那个故事的人的眼中,她不再是个残疾的女人。
英文缩写词 EOTD 的含义,不止“Eyes of the Day”一个。
- Enhanced Observed Time Difference 缩写成 “EOTD”. 中文意思是:增强观测时差
- ECCMA Open Technical Dictionary 缩写成 “EOTD”. 中文意思是:ECCMA开放式技术词典
- Empire of the Dead 缩写成 “EOTD”. 中文意思是:死亡帝国
- Engine of the day 缩写成 “EOTD”. 中文意思是:今天的发动机
- Early Onset Torsion Dystonia 缩写成 “EOTD”. 中文意思是:早发性扭转肌张力障碍
- End of the Day 缩写成 “EOTD”. 中文意思是:一天结束
- End of Train Device 缩写成 “EOTD”. 中文意思是:列车末端装置
- Experiment of the day 缩写成 “EOTD”. 中文意思是:今天的实验