
“Teenage Adult”经常缩写成TADRA,以便快捷书写、使用。



Teenage Adult : 十几岁的成年人

Teenage Adult具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:TADRA
  2. 英语全称: Teenage Adult
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:十几岁的成年人
  7. 中文拼音:shí jǐ suì de chéng nián rén
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:未分类的


  1. A common single family story happens in Beijing which describe how a daughter grows up from teenage to adult.
  2. 这是发生在北京一个单亲家庭女儿与父亲的普通故事,不动声色地?述了女儿从女孩到女人的成熟过程。
  3. Having a high IQ may have its drawbacks : a new study finds that highly intelligent children are more likely to try illegal drugs in their teenage and adult years.
  4. 智商高也不一定就什么都好。一项新的研究发现高智商的孩子更容易在青春期和成人期尝试毒品。
  5. Wherever and whenever abortion-notification laws have been passed, gonorrhoea rates in the teenage and adult populations start to diverge.
  6. 任何地方在任何时候通过了堕胎通知法,未成年人和成年人感染淋病的比例就将开始出现分化。
  7. Objective Human visual plasticity was studied by the observation of the effects of treatment in teenage and adult amblyopia.
  8. 目的研究青年和成人弱视的治疗方法和效果,进一步探讨人的视觉系统可塑性。
  9. This text analyzes and explains the meaning of wear the head protecting equipment difference from the teenage and adult training to exerting in the football game, to prove wearing fit and comfortable head protecting equipment can promote the heading technique level exerting and improving.
  10. 通过从佩戴头部护具对青少年和成年队训练及比赛的意义进行分析和说明,证明了佩戴合适舒服的头部护具确实能够促进头球技术水平发挥和提高。


英文缩写词 TADRA 的含义,不止“Teenage Adult”一个。




  1. Teenage and Adult Driver Responsibility Act 缩写成 “TADRA”. 中文意思是:青少年和成人驾驶人责任法


  1. Texas Arabian Distance Riders Association 缩写成 “TADRA”. 中文意思是:德州阿拉伯长途骑手协会


  1. Teenage Adult Driver Responsibility Act 缩写成 “TADRA”. 中文意思是:青少年驾驶责任法

