“Life For A Life”经常缩写成LFAL,以便快捷书写、使用。
Life For A Life具体释义
- 英文缩写:LFAL
- 英语全称: Life For A Life
- 英语发音:
- 美式英语发音:
- 英式英语发音:
- 中文意思:生命之命
- 中文拼音:shēng mìng zhī mìng
- 常用领域:综合
- 相关:未分类的
- But that day would not dawn soon, because Chinese people believe strongly in the notion of an " eye for an eye and a life for a life ".
- 但是那一天不会很快到来,因为中国人强烈信仰“以眼还眼,以命抵命”这一观点。
- By discussing language learning, overseas life and cultural conflicts, it aims to portray life with young people and motivate them to strive for a better life.
- 节目旨在通过探讨语言学习、海外生活及文化冲突,和年轻人一起感悟人生、励志进取。
- This has been the way of our life for generations and any suggestion that perhaps there might be a way of life without conflict seems quite incredible.
- 这是我们世世代代的生活方式,如果有人建议,或许存在一种没有冲突的生活,这会显得相当不可思议。
- While there is no one-size-fits-all life cycle that is appropriate for all services and all organizations, a typical service development life cycle has five main stages
- 虽然并没有适合所有组织和所有服务的万用生命周期模式,不过,服务开发生命周期通常都具有五个主要的阶段
- Believe in yourself that if you take a step towards life change things will improve, and your doubts will start to drain, making room for the possibility of a better life.
- 如果你向前迈进一小步生活会有所好转那就要相信你自己,你的疑虑也就会消除,给更好地生活多一点空间。
英文缩写词 LFAL 的含义,不止“Life For A Life”一个。
- La Fleche-Thoree les Pins, S-France 缩写成 “LFAL”. 中文意思是:法国南部 La Fleche-Thoree les Pins
- Lower Flame Acceleration Limit 缩写成 “LFAL”. 中文意思是:火焰加速度下限
- Low Fat Ad Libitum 缩写成 “LFAL”. 中文意思是:随意低脂
- Less Favoured Agricultural Land 缩写成 “LFAL”. 中文意思是:弱势农业用地
- Log File Analysis Language 缩写成 “LFAL”. 中文意思是:日志文件分析语言
- Log Format Autodetect Lines 缩写成 “LFAL”. 中文意思是:日志格式自动检测行